All of a sudden, wherever Angelet went, it was destroyed in a mess.

A group of monsters looked at Angelet, shouted continuously, and cast various spells one after another, attacking Angelet fiercely.

Angelet snorted coldly while dodging the attacks of these monsters, hum, what a trick!

As he spoke, Angelet suddenly stopped, and then punched hard towards the giant tree in front of him~.



Angelet's punch directly shattered the giant tree, instantly cutting the towering ancient tree in half in half.

After the towering ancient tree was blown off, there was a crackling sound, and countless leaves fell down immediately.


Another towering ancient tree was blown off, and then Angelet reappeared next to another giant tree, blowing this giant tree down again.

Angelet blasted out punch after punch, interrupting all the dozen or so towering ancient trees in front of him in the blink of an eye.

For a time, all the towering ancient trees were completely destroyed by Angelet and turned into a pile of rubbish.


Human! You are looking for death!

die for me!

A group of monsters roared angrily, staring at Angelet fiercely.

Angelet, on the other hand, looked at a group of monsters indifferently, and continued to attack the giant tree in front of him.


Finally, a giant black bear couldn't bear it any longer, roared loudly, put his palms together, and slapped Angelet hard.

A cloud of dense black mist spewed out from the black bear's palms and swept towards Angelet.

Angelet looked at the black mist and frowned.

He didn't expect that the means of these demon clans would be so weird and unpredictable, and they could manipulate such a thick black mist, making it impossible to guard against.


However, before he could wait for the black mist to approach, his figure suddenly turned into a stream of golden yellow light, and he rushed into the dense black mist in an instant.


A strong impact was transmitted immediately.


The cloud of black mist slammed into a boulder fiercely, directly smashing the whole boulder into pieces.


Angelet's body reappeared, looking at the valley wrapped in black mist, with bloodthirsty coldness in his eyes.

0......seeking flowers......

He snorted coldly, his figure flickered, and he appeared directly in the black mist, kicked hard, and kicked the black mist away.

At this time, a huge monster slowly appeared in Angelet's sight.

This huge monster has dark skin and looks like a black bear, but it has four limbs, and two sharp thorns on one tail, like a sharp dagger.

Human! You are so bold!! The black bear opened its mouth and roared, staring at Angelet, roaring: How dare you sneak attack me, you are looking for death! I will tear your body apart and extract your soul!

Hehe, that's just right! Angelet looked at the black bear in front of him, with an expression on his face that was still indifferent, anyway, your body has been taken away by me, no matter what methods you have, you can't help me. Moreover, you don't even want to escape from here alive. I will let you know what real power is!!


Hearing the words, the black bear raised its head to the sky and roared angrily, staring at Angelet with eyes full of hatred and anger.

He kept making seals with his hands.

Buzz buzz~~yi~.

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