Angelet went through many difficulties and with the help of many nobles, finally found the sacred plantain tree.

This is Angelet's last hope, and he vows to save Violet. When Angelet was on the road, he had already planned to give up. Maybe the goddess of luck came to him and Willett, and the wheel of fate kept spinning.

After finding the Basho God and seeing the Basho God Tree, everything has hope again.

Angelet, carrying Violet on her back, came to the sacred banana tree with great difficulty.

Although Violet herself wasn't very heavy, she was already unable to walk due to the poison in her body, so Angelet had been carrying her behind her all the way since 950.

In order to make Violet stay on his back safely, Angelet has already tied Violet to his body with a hemp rope, so that no matter whether he is walking or running, Violet will not fall down.

So when they came to the sacred plantain tree, the first thing they did was to put Violet off her body. Angelet's neck, nape, and waist had been drawn with bright red blood marks by the hemp rope, and even the hemp rope It was still stained with Angelet's blood.

Due to time, fresh (afdb) blood has changed from bright red rose color to dark red.

And Angelet's sweat had already soaked the hemp rope, and his hands had one after another eye-catching scars due to being strangled by the hemp rope for a long time.

Looking at the man in front of her, Violet couldn't help but shed tears because she had suffered so much.

"Don't cry, my goddess. I have nothing to do, and I believe God will bless us."

Seeing that the goddess Violet was so sad, Angelet could only comfort her softly.

"No, you are my hero, and you are my hero. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have died from the poison. All the injuries on your body are because of me."

Violet is deeply distressed by the physical harm she caused to Angelet.

She thought that there was no way to save herself from the poison, and she had already planned to die, but she didn't expect Angelet to help her escape from death's control step by step.

And now, they have found the only life-saving straw + banana tree.

Violet secretly swore in her heart that if she could escape this time, she would make a promise to Angelet that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

"Sacred Banana Tree, Divine Banana Tree"

Angelet has walked around the banana tree more than ten times, and he really doesn't know how the banana tree can detoxify Violet.

So he suddenly thought that he could summon God Basho to ask.

But Angelet was very worried, what should the plantain gods refuse to teach him how to save Violet?

Whether it is the bark, leaves, trunk, or fruit of the Banana God Tree, it belongs to the Banana God.

If Basho God is bothered rashly, I'm afraid it will cause the other party's displeasure, and it will be even more impossible to save Violet at that time.

Thinking of this, Angelet hesitated, not knowing how to get Basho God to help them without making Basho God angry at them.

He was very frightened, what would happen if Basho God not only refused to tell them how to save the poison, but took their lives in the end? So Angelet had to think of a perfect solution. .

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