In order to save Violet, Angele had to summon God Basho to come out to help.

But how can God Basho help them willingly?

So, both Angelet and Violet knelt down under the banana tree, and said to the Basho God in very sincere words: "Dear Basho God, I need your help now. What a rough road finally came to you.

If you will help me, please show up as soon as possible!"

After saying this, the two of them kowtowed heavily towards the banana tree ten times.

Angelet hoped that with this method, God Basho would be moved to show up.

To his surprise, the Basho God appeared, but what puzzled Angelet was that he thought the Basho God should be an old man who had passed a thousand years.

Unexpectedly, the Basho God in front of him turned out to be a bright and beautiful girl.

The girl's eyes are flaming, but they don't make the person who looks into her eyes feel burning. On the contrary, if you can look directly into Basho's eyes, you will feel very comfortable and warm.

The girl's clothes are also made of banana leaves, slightly dark yellow, wrapping the girl's body layer by layer, but the girl's slender curves can still be clearly seen.

"Master Banana God" Angelet, I beg you to give me the antidote to remove the poison from my body!

We would be very grateful if you would save us.

Angelet knelt down and kowtowed ten times after finishing her request.

Angelet looked at Violet, who was dying beside him, and he was really anxious. If Lord Basho would give him the antidote, even if he broke his head, he would not hesitate.

But the girl in front of the two of them was not moved at all. The reason is very simple. For Basho God, there are countless people who come to visit her every day, every month, and every year to find the antidote.

In order for the Basho God to appear, some people cried out loudly, some shouted, and some dared to pull on the rubber rope, a good tribute.

0...seeking flowers...0

After all, gods are gods, and God Basho didn't care about such mortals.

But when Basho God saw Angelet seeking the antidote so sincerely, she was very interested, so she blinked her big flame-colored eyes, and said to Angelet: If you want the antidote, I am willing to give it to you with both hands , but I have a small request.


As soon as Angelet heard the plantain god's request, he kowtowed harder towards the plantain tree.

The girl was not surprised to see his behavior, but what she wanted was not this, so Basho God stretched out his left index finger to point Angelet's head, and then his head stayed in mid-air, unable to kowtow at all. .

Seeing the Basho God immobilizing Angelet, Violet felt very helpless and scared, so she climbed to the Basho God's feet, hugged her leg and said, "Dear Basho God, please let us go." Bar!

We are not bad people, we just hope that you can give me the antidote to save my life, and I hope that adults can understand. ".

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