Seeing the behavior of the two in front of him, God Basho couldn't help laughing.

The smile is so beautiful and gentle, as if this person is not a god, she is just an ordinary girl.

"I don't need you to kowtow, it's very simple to ask me to give you the antidote, as long as you can exchange a story with me, you can get what you want

Angelet and Violet smiled at each other when they heard the needs of the "Three Nine Zero" Banana God.

It turned out that exchanging the antidote was such a simple matter.

"Okay, Lord Basho, how about I tell you a story now?"

Angelet knew that the poison on Violet's body could not be delayed any longer. If the antidote was not obtained immediately, Violet's life would be threatened at any time, so he took the initiative to tell the story to God Basho.

But at this time, God Basho frowned slightly, the matter was not simple.

"I hope this story is a love story, not a love story, but there is no cure for exchange.

It turned out that the girl Basho God just wanted to listen to love stories to relieve boredom.

Hearing such a request from God Basho, Angelet was even happier, because the story he prepared happened to be about love.

"Dear Lord Basho, please prepare your ears. The story is about to begin.

Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl who agreed to be together forever.

But after being together, the girl found that the boy had changed a lot.

He would lose his temper at himself for no reason, and he would no longer coax himself, and even hated himself crying in front of him.

It turned out that when the boy and the girl first got together, whenever the girl's eyes were full of tears, Li felt very distressed.

But the longer they were together, the girl discovered that the boy actually hated her crying very much, and even disliked her more than once.

So the girl directly asked the boy whether he still loves her or not? Unexpectedly, the boy's words made the girl completely give up.

"My feelings for you are not what they used to be."

Later, the girl didn't stay with the boy anymore, in fact, the reason was that she didn't love anymore, and there is no right or wrong in love itself.

Hearing the ending of the story, God Basho looked at Angelet very annoyed, because God Basho is not a human being, she doesn't understand human emotions, and she doesn't understand why something called emotion can make two people happy and make two people suffer. ....

God Basho doesn't understand why the story is like this.

But Angelet's voice was very deep and pleasant, and she was addicted to this voice many times and couldn't extricate herself.

God Basho likes this story very much, it seems that it is very easy for Angelet and the others to obtain the antidote.

God Basho was in a good mood listening to Angelet telling the story, but she still had no intention of handing over the antidote to Angelet.

So, Angelet began to ask Basho: "My dear lord, don't you like this story?

If you like 1.9, please give me the antidote.

God Basho looked at the man kneeling next to her, and felt very curious, because she could sense that there must be a lot of stories that happened to this man, so listening to only one story must not be enough .

And Angelet happened to see God Basho's mind, so Angelet told another story to the princess. .

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