"Once upon a time there was a king who had a very beautiful daughter.

Since the birth of this daughter, the whole country has been in a prosperous and harmonious state, but one day the country was attacked by an enemy country, causing the capital of the whole country to fall, and the king died in battle to defend the country.

The king's daughter was a teenage girl, and the princess' king father told her that she must not fall into the hands of the enemy no matter what.

So the princess came to the underground secret room and opened a very heavy stone door. It turned out that the black pearl, the treasure of the whole country, was stored inside.

It is rumored that as long as people can sacrifice for the black pearl, then her soul and mind will be attached to the black pearl, so the princess jumped into the sacrificial pool and became one with the black pearl.

The enemy country occupied the whole country, and then someone broke into the secret room and took the black pearl to their king as a spoil of war.

Unexpectedly, since the black pearl came to the enemy country, the country was destroyed within two years.

So there are rumors that the decline and fall of the enemy country was caused by that princess. God Basho listened to Angelet telling the story vividly, and even forgot that the second story was not a love story.

However, God Basho kept his promise, and after hearing the two stories, he told Angelet that the antidote was the red fruit on the God Banana tree.

So, after kneeling down to thank the Banana God, Angelet climbed to the Banana God tree, picked a bright red fruit, and then said to Violet beside him:

"My goddess, eat it quickly, after eating it your body will be the same as before.

Violet had just seen how Angelet tried her best to please the Basho God in order to save her. She was very moved now, so she took the red fruit in Angelet's hand and ate it.

"Dear Angelet, thank you, if my poison can be undone this time, I think I will marry you."

Angelet was deeply shocked by Violet's words, and even suspected that Violet was hallucinating because of her jealousy, and she actually wanted to marry him.

But now I can't control that much anymore, Angelet pushed the red fruit in Violet's hand into her throat. And before Violet could chew it, it had already entered her stomach.

After swallowing the red fruit, Violet fell to the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Seeing this, Angelet was terrified, so she turned to God Basho for help again.

"Dear Lord Basho, what happened to her? When will the poison on her body be eliminated?

At this time, the girl Basho God is still deeply saddened by the two stories Angelet told just now, because the endings of those two stories are both sad.

Hearing Angelet call her, the girl Basho God's thoughts were dragged back.

267 So he explained to Angelé:

"Don't worry, she's fine, but she'll sleep for a few hours, just wait patiently."

After listening to Basho God's explanation, Angelet finally let go of the big stone in his heart.

So Angelet lay beside Violet and guarded her until she woke up.

The girl Basho was very happy because she got two interesting stories.

Because although many people come to her every day for antidote and tell her many interesting stories, but there is no one who speaks so softly and is very fascinating like Angelet. .

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