Vertelli's body is already weak, although the poison has been cured, but it needs time to recuperate.

After such an assassination, Vertelli's old injury relapsed, and it was really difficult to heal it again.

"I want to take you to the top of the snow mountain, where I can heal you." Angelet looked at Vertelli and said softly.

Vertelli smiled and said: "It's up to you, as long as you are here, no matter where I am, I am not afraid, I will always accompany you.

Angelet suddenly remembered the assassination, and immediately asked: "Do you know who they are?"

Vertelli thought for a while and said: "They didn't say who they were, but I heard them say something about the king, and there are only ten different people around here who play the main song.


Angelet quickly figured it out. No wonder there were so many people blocking him on the way back. Every time he did something, the other party ran away. It was their blocking that delayed the time. It's against Vertelli.

"What a queen of the Flaming Mountain, just wait for me"!" Angelet said through gritted teeth.

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, Angelet brought Vertelli here. Although the wind was biting, but under Angelet's protection, Vertelli did not feel uncomfortable.

After a while, a hot spring appeared in front of Vertelli's eyes, and Vertelli looked at Angelet suspiciously.

Angelet said: "The hot spring on the top of the snow mountain has a very good healing effect. I am going to use the power of the hot spring, plus the breath brought by my sword of light, to combine the two to heal your wounds."

Vertelli nodded and said, "Okay!"

Angelet then treated Vertelli. Under the combination of the hot spring on the top of the snow mountain and the breath of the sword of light, Vertelli's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Only the hot spring on the top of the snow mountain can exert such a powerful effect. role.

It didn't take long for Vertelli's injuries to recover, and even the hidden dangers caused by the assassination sent by the Flame Mountain Queen had to be cured.

"Fortunately, the effect of this hot spring is better than I imagined. After this treatment, you have completely recovered, which is really great." Angelet said happily to Vertelli.

Undoubtedly, Angelet was very happy to be able to treat Vertelli well.

Vertelli also seemed extremely happy, and after the treatment was completed, the two left immediately.

Just after the two left, two figures appeared in the distance, and then they also left.

"What? The top of the snow mountain? That Vertelli has recovered? You didn't know how to stop it at the time?" The Queen of the Flaming Mountain heard the angry words of the two subordinates.

The subordinate immediately explained: "That Angelet is so powerful, he will be alert as long as we get a little closer, although he is healing, but he is always observing the surroundings."

The Queen of Flame Mountain said angrily: "Damn Angelet, damn Vertelli, damn the hot spring (good Li's)! Come on, destroy that hot spring for me! How dare you help Angelet heal Vertley, keep it What's the use?"

It is ridiculous that the Queen of the Flame Mountain actually vented her anger on a hot spring.

However, his subordinates did not dare to disobey the words of the Flame Mountain Queen, not to mention that the Flame Mountain Queen was angry at this time.

Unexpectedly, the hot spring on the top of the snow-capped mountain was so destroyed because of the anger of the Queen of Flame Mountain. A god-given hot spring was just gone. .

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