Seeing the dejected looks of the two, the old man in vain continued, "It is true that the catastrophe came and the Lyre Emperor blocked it. I know what you want to hear. It is true that the story has such a turning point. Although the final ending has not changed, at least He still worked hard and didn't give up directly."

"This catastrophe is terrifying."

It is a real catastrophe of destroying the world. In the past, catastrophes were aimed at all things and sentient beings under the heaven and earth. It is not very terrifying, especially for a ruler like Emperor Lyre, the catastrophe is nothing more than joke. 05

However, this catastrophe is a real world-destroying catastrophe, and it is completely different from the previous catastrophes and natural disasters.

No one can stop the cataclysm of annihilation, even if it is as powerful as heaven and earth, it cannot stop this end alone, because this itself is the end of heaven and earth, the end of the universe, and the end of all things.

Emperor Qixian was not very happy when he saw the coming catastrophe.

Because the woman he loved was dead, there was no point in living for him. He originally planned to wait to die, and just before he died, he gave birth to my own universe for himself, and it was a worthy death to block this last catastrophe. The catastrophe is approaching, and everything is awe-inspiring.

What kind of pain is it for Emperor Qin's beloved woman to die? Seeing his beloved woman become an enemy of himself for a man, what kind of person can bear that kind of pain.

There is an old saying that the hatred of killing one's father and taking one's wife is the most unbearable thing between heaven and earth.

It didn't say how an ordinary man, the most powerful person in Emperor Qin's world, could bear it.

But if he knew that the woman he loved would die because of this, he would easily spare that man, and nothing could be changed.

There is no turning back arrow when the bow is opened, and Emperor Qin doesn't want to turn back.

Looking at the catastrophe, Emperor Qin didn't say a word, just stared at the catastrophe, but he was meditating in his heart, finally freed, finally freed.

The catastrophe is approaching, the wind and rain, and the thunder and lightning will be reckless.

The coercive and insidious evil spirits between heaven and earth, demons and monsters have also come here. They are spirit bodies that gather resentment between heaven and earth. Since the existence of the universe, there has been death, injustice, and war.

Not only evil spirits, evil spirits have also come here.

Both the clean spirit and the evil spirit are the products of the most yin and poison in the world. When the two descend at the moment of the destruction of the world, it means that the world has really come to an end. Looking at the evil spirits and evil spirits, deformed

Emperor Qin was not in a hurry, but found it very interesting.

After all, Emperor Xingqin didn't pay attention to these things in the past, but now they are so powerful that he should face them squarely, so why not feel interested.

The evil belt became stronger and stronger, because all the sentient beings in the leisurely world were killed and injured.

As long as there is killing, as long as there is resentment, as long as there is hatred, Xie Minghao's evil spirits will be very powerful.

Emperor Qixian didn't attack them while they were growing, but planned to let them reach the peak of strength before attacking them. To exterminate them, in fact, Emperor Qin was sure to eliminate all evil spirits and evil spirits ahead of time.

But Qixian Qili doesn't want to live too long, and he really can't protect himself in exchange for the last hope of this universe.

It's just that this is his own wishful thinking. It can only be said that the way of heaven is hard to break. Even if he is a god, there is no way to turn the tide.

Resigning to fate is not his style, even if the whole world pokes his back, he will fight until the last moment. .

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