Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 397 Overcome Tribulation, Universe

Both the evil spirits and the evil spirits have become extremely powerful. After Emperor Qixian discovered that these two things had reached their strongest form, he was no longer soft on his hands and used his own prehistoric power.

In the end, both the evil spirit and the evil spirit were wiped out, but Qilin and the evil spirit were just appetizers.

This is still the beginning of the catastrophe, and the real catastrophe has finally come to the end of the world.

Just before the thunder and fire in the secret room descended, looking at these two things, Emperor Qixian Qing finally shrank his pupils.

He knew that if he didn't use some real skills, he couldn't resist these two things.

Unable to work together to take out their most powerful weapons, the Supreme Baoqin played a song I cried for my fate, I cried for my fate, I cried for my birth, because I was born without parents, I was born without brothers and sisters, I was born to be myself, I was born to be alone, I was born to be lonely, I was born to have no friends, I was born to have no wife, I was born to be me, I was born to be

The Song of Destiny is so powerful that it frightens the rivers and rivers of all ages, the world of leisure, and this universe exists for a while, but Emperor Lyre knows that if he doesn't show any real skills, he may not be able to survive until the end, before the finale occurs , The lyre vomited blood, ready to use his strongest secret technique, the strongest power, a short song of life.

Life is short, life is short. Drunken and singing, life is so much, it is better to walk around in a chic way, live in the world, eat, drink and play dark.

Before all these dozens of characters were sung, the real auspiciousness finally came.

Darkness fills the world of riding, and every corner of the universe, all life and creatures in this world are dead and extinct.

At the moment when the darkness fell, the lyre looked at the scene in front of his eyes, and there was only a sigh, he knew that he tried his best, even if he tried his best, he could not stop the destruction machine of the leisurely world, because the creatures in the world died It's something he can't do alone.

The coming of catastrophe is unstoppable by all forces, Emperor Qi Xianqin saw the final catastrophe coming.

Emperor Qixian Qin also burned his own source of life, chose not to enter reincarnation, immortality and eternal life without the price of losing his soul, in exchange for his strongest form, eternal life Guzhao Dahe Qindi.

Emperor Dahe Qin is also his strongest form, the strongest form he obtained by burning his life. In this form, all his powers are the strongest.

In the final catastrophe, the dark power also came, and the Lyre Emperor in front of him was like a glimmer of light on the dark sea waves. Although the light of the sparkling candle was faint, it illuminated the peace of the universe.

Riding Qindi feels that he is just a moth to the flame now, but there is no way, after all, all of this is brought about by himself.

If it wasn't because I fell in love with a book, I shouldn't like such a person, and I chose to use the power of music to change the original nature of this world, how could I attract Dayin?

Even if there is a real mistake, it is the Emperor Qixian's own fault.

Emperor Qixian finally realized in the final destruction that he shouldn't like someone who doesn't like him, but it was too late.

The Qixian Great World was finally destroyed, and the destruction of this Great World was a matter of course. .

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