According to this situation, whether the mother of pain agrees or not, they are already under their control. At this time, what the two of them do depends on the choice of the mother of pain alone.

After seeing the appearance of the two people, the mother of pain smiled and said to them, "It is impossible for me to hand over the two of you to the Lord of Darkness. What good is it for me to hand over the two of you to the Lord of Darkness? I don’t want to be controlled by others.”

Then Angelet and Tianling Ruler, after seeing the mother of pain's reaction, also laughed.

"In this case, you are willing to help us."

The mother of pain said, "I am willing to help you, but it will take a long time for me to transform into the mother of joy. I don't know if this time can be delayed until the king of darkness sends his subordinates to control me." According to 770 Angelet and Tianling Ruler, "The time for your transformation is only a short time in terms of the multi-universe time outside."

Because the Mother of Pain has not left this universe for a long time, she has a wrong concept about the space-time difference between the two universes, which is not a big one.

But when the King of Darkness sent his men to this universe, he used the power of darkness to change a part of this universe, making the Mother of Pain lose her control over this universe.

Both Angelet and Tian Lingrui fell into deep thinking. The power of the Dark Lord has penetrated into the universe of pain to such a deep extent that neither of them know what to do now.

The mother of pain said to the two of them at this time, I am going. The origin of the universe has transformed itself, do you want to follow me?

Seeing the mother of pain doing this, Angelet and Tianlingru were very moved. After all, inviting them to go to the original place of the universe is such a great trust for them.

But Angelet and Tianlingru both rejected them, saying that the tree of pain can transform itself, and the two of them still have deeper tasks.

Angelet and Tianlingrui plan to take a look at some situations in the universe during the transformation of the mother of pain, hoping to change the situation in which the universe is manipulated.

(afeg) They know how disgusting and powerful the power of the Lord of Darkness is. He can manipulate people's hearts anytime and anywhere to make a creature go bad.

In any case, this war must be fought. This is a war of life and death. This is a war of survival and demise of the multiverse. Everyone knows the ambition of the Dark Lord.

I want to be resurrected again and regain control of this universe.

But no one is willing to let the King of Darkness continue to play chess in the sky. The King of Darkness is not only a tyrant, he also wants to enslave the hearts of all creatures, make them submit to himself, and let their souls submit to him forever.

This is simply impossible, and every living being yearns for freedom.

As a poet said, give me liberty or give me death, give me liberty or give me death.

Although it is precious to live, it is also sad to live without freedom.

Better to die.

The King of Darkness is bound to fail. Everyone knows this truth, but if you rely only on truth, it is impossible to win and it still requires hard work.

The process of struggle is to intentionally defeat the Lord of Darkness, which is what they should really do. .

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