In the depths of the endless darkness, in the depths of the endless source, a long-haired man was trapped by countless iron chains, and this long-haired man was quietly silent in a coffin.

No one knows how long this man has been locked here, does anyone know what this man has done.

What a crime this man has committed, and he will be imprisoned here for endless years.

After an unknown amount of time, the long-haired man opened his seductive eyes, and a ray of light shone from his eyes, illuminating the entire sky. The man looked at the surrounding environment and couldn't help sighing that he was still trapped. It's sealed, everything will change after I come out~.

The mysterious man is the King of Darkness, Dalia was once the most powerful man in all ages, and was once the ruler of the universe.

Because of his brutality at the beginning, the latecomers overthrew him, but he is still recognized as the most powerful man in the universe.

In fact, Dalia, the Lord of Darkness, is indeed the most powerful person in the universe.

It's just that he is sealed now, recalling the past, the man of the people can't help feeling a little tired, he has been sealed here for thousands of years, and no one has ever tried to rescue him.

No one has ever known about his age, so many people have forgotten his name, and it is impossible for people nowadays to look through the history books of the universe to discuss a person who has been sealed for thousands of years.

In the eyes of modern people, the Lord of Darkness has already died, but they don't know that the Lord of Darkness is not dead, but just sealed.

Just when the mysterious man thought of something, the space around him fluctuated, and a purple-haired beauty appeared.

After the purple-haired beauty saw Dalia, the King of Darkness, she knelt down and said, Your Majesty, we have followed your instructions. Now we have conquered 4801 universes, and the resurrection of the 4801 origin of the universe is not far away. up.

Dalia, the king of darkness, sighed after hearing this, Tao is far from enough, at least 2,000 universe origins are needed for my resurrection, and now your plan has been known by those people, they will not do this to see my resurrection.

No matter what, it will be more difficult for you to collect the origin of the universe in the future, and I am worried that they are already preparing to strengthen my seal, and it will be even more difficult for me to resurrect at that time.

0…ask for flowers……

After listening to the words of Dalia, the king of darkness, the purple-haired beauty comforted, Your Majesty, don't worry that our plan is still in progress, our second-hand plan is also in progress, and you can be resurrected in a short time.

After hearing the words of this purple-haired beauty, Dalia, the king of darkness, felt better.

Then I asked my former friends, are they okay?

The purple-haired beauty sighed, except for that one who has already taken that step, the righteous way is eternal, and everyone else has died in the years.


The King of Darkness, Dalia sneered after hearing this, that person is really cruel, those people helped him suppress me, but he chose to prove the way of ascension alone, let those people die in the years, don't know those people What does the person who betrayed me think now.

Your Majesty, we will never betray you, we will not be like those people back then, Dalia, the Lord of Darkness, said after hearing this, of course I believe you, you are my most loyal believers. .

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