Gru and Angelet enjoyed a very pleasant breakfast together.

Although the breakfast is not so rich, it also made them feel relaxed and comfortable like never before.

After all, dining with friends is really a wonderful thing.

So, after enjoying another breakfast, Angelet and Gru really started to prepare for their own adventure.

However, starting your own adventure is actually starting a new journey.

Because 05, in this process, not only need to take risks, but also need to update the journey.

After all, Angelet is a guy who likes to record.

He can't help but bring a camera guy, and something that can really record life, so he really has a lot of treasures.

So, Gru picked up the backpack he brought, followed Angelet, and started a new journey.

This journey started on another sunny morning, with the fragrance of roses in the garden and the mellow aroma of red wine in this morning, so it was a pleasant morning.

They soon came to this long corridor, passing through the long corridor, both sides are full of dense vines, and the vines on both sides of the corridor are very lush, because the vines are very lush, so for Anglo, This is also something worth recording.

"My dear friend, Gru, would you like to be my model and let me record the starting point of our journey?!" Angru asked there.

"Yes, my dearest friend, I am naturally willing to let you record the starting point of this journey." Gru said there.

"Then stand there, put on a suitable pose, and then let me record this wonderful time, together with these green vines, let us embrace such an early morning." Anglo said to him.

"Okay, my sincere friend, this is really a very pleasant thing." Gru said.

"Yes, after I finish taking pictures, then we can cross the long river ahead and come to Grulie's house." Angelet said to him.

"Naturally at that time, the long river must be shining with silver light under the sunlight, and there are happy little fish swimming in the river. It is naturally a very harmonious scene." Lu was talking there.

"Yeah, it is precisely because of such harmony, so let's hurry up, I really want to record this harmonious scene with the camera in my hand, and let more people know that life is so full of meaning .” Angelet said in that 373.

"It turns out that life is really full of meaning. When I'm with you, I really feel that everything is very interesting." Gru said.

"Yes, if you can feel interesting, it means that you have begun to understand the true meaning of life, because life is such a happy and harmonious thing." Angelet said to Gru.

"Okay then, let's hurry up and walk over there, I can't wait to see those little fish swimming around freely." Gru said to Angelet

"Well, it's really possible. Let's enjoy a better life together." Angelet said to Gru. .

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