So, Angelet took Gru to the side of the long river.

By the river, the sun was shining, and there were bursts of silver light in the river.

The surface of the silver river is so clear that you can see the pebbles at the bottom of the river.

When Angelet saw such a river, he couldn't help but think of his childhood.

Childhood is always fun and beautiful. Angelet was thinking there.

"Don't you want to take pictures of these happy swimming fish?!" Grew saw Angelet was a little dazed, and then said there.

"Yeah, of course I want to shoot, but do you remember our childhood?!" Angelet couldn't help asking Gru.

"The time when I was a child?!" Gru was somewhat brought into the memory by Angelet.

"Yeah, we bare our feet, and then play happily in this river, and play, really let the river become one of the meanings of our life" `" Angelet said to Gru.

"Is it like this? It seems to be true. We are still happily playing with these little fish, and we always like to catch them and play with them, and then put them back. It seems to be true. It's also a very interesting thing." Gru said to Angelet.

"Yeah, that was the most trouble-free time in my life." Angelet couldn't help but sighed there.

"However, life is really full of surprises and adventures. Since the past cannot be brought back, how about we bravely face the future?!" Gru said to Angelet.

"That's naturally the best thing, my dear friend, what I like most is to look into the future in the river of time, because the future is really full of infinite possibilities." Angelet said to Gru .

Gru saw that Angelet's eyes were shining brightly under the sunlight, and it really made people want to look into them, looking deeper.

"My dear friend, how about we record these cute little fish together and move on?!" Gru said to Angelet.

"That's naturally very good. Because we really need to move forward seriously, and going further forward is where we need to take it seriously. That's the fighting arena | Ge

The field is a place full of danger and excitement. " Angelet said to Gru.

"`"Yes, although it is full of dangers and challenges, but I don’t know why, when I am with you again, I feel that I am full of strength and courage, so, my friend

You really are my cutest person. "Gru said to Angelet.

"It's really an honor for you to think like this. I'm really glad that I have you as my friend and companion on the way to the fighting arena." Angelet said to Gru.

"I'm also very happy to be able to enjoy this sunny journey with you (Qianqian)." Gru said to Angelet.

"Then let's pack our luggage and move on, the fighting arena is ahead." Angelet said to Gru.

"Okay, everything about the fighting arena. I'm full of expectations." Gru said there again.

"I am also like this. I am full of various expectations and curiosity about everything in the fighting arena." Angelet said. .

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