Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 448 The Anglove Family Of The Muscular Beer Party

Angelet and Gru happily walked towards Angelove's house.

The Angloofs are eating muscles, drinking beer, and preparing for a muscle light show.

The muscle light show is really very interesting.

However, they didn't expect that two people who were not muscular at all would choose to come to their house to play gymnastics at the first stop.

Kicking the pavilion is really a very interesting thing.

Because although kicking the hall will sign the life and death certificate, it will also let everyone understand that there is no real distinction between life and death on the fighting battlefield, because fighting means winning or losing. For some people, winning or losing is really important. It's a headache.

And not just a matter of life and death.

Because winning or losing will really make people face the challenge of fame and fortune, and it will also make people face life and death indifferently. Of course, if one can see through fame and fortune, then naturally it will be better for people to truly grow up.

In fact, winning or losing is really a matter of not thinking about it, but a matter of using strength to speak.

Winning or losing, this matter really has to be discussed from some source issues.

So the muscle beer banquet that the Anglove family is enjoying at this moment is actually a matter of winning or losing.

Because at the muscle beer banquet at the moment, everyone really has to show their muscles and share their muscle experience. Whether eating tomato beef brisket will give you more muscle or eating chicken will give you more muscle. It’s really a question A question for everyone to think about.

Because muscles really need to be supplemented with energy to really grow, and they cannot be grown by exercising every day.

Moreover, the growth of muscles is a gradual process. In this process, you can really try to use some techniques and exercises for muscle growth to make the muscles grow more perfectly.

In fact, for the Anglove family, the growth of muscles is really a cyclical and gradual process.

(afcj) Because muscles really need years of repeated training to really grow into a toned body.

A fit body really needs long-term training to truly become a body that can be shown to everyone and can be used to win or lose.

Then, for the Anglove family, this feast is not only an opportunity for themselves to grow, but also an opportunity for the family to grow.

But because the last time it was a beef red wine banquet, so this time it is a muscle beer banquet, so for the Anglove family, today is really a very important day

On a particularly important day, two people suddenly came to kick the hall. Do you think it will arouse the hatred of the Anglove family?!

Of course it is possible.

Because the Anglove family really needed such hatred to improve their control over their muscles.

But in fact, what really wins the most control over the body is not hatred, but love.

It is precisely because the Anglove family does not have such a deep understanding, so they think that hatred will make them stronger, but in fact this is not the case. Only true love can be boundless.

Boundless love is actually a very good way of expressing, but for a family of muscular beer men like Anglo House, they haven't really learned a deep way to express love. .

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