"It doesn't matter whether the battle armor appears or not, the key is that you have to finish the game first." Violet felt that she had already emphasized it many times, but why Angelet didn't listen.

"I told you that you can't see it until you finish typing." Violet looked very angry, and she almost couldn't say it more bluntly.

Angelet felt very surprised when he heard this. It was obviously a blank space here. He didn’t see anything like "750" in the first game. Could it be that he really used a blindfold, but can the blindfold still be used like this?

Looking at it like this, there is nothing in the vast expanse of whiteness, but the bank card can indeed be seen. Could it be that this card is the so-called armor? This is not a fraud. What is the point of using a bank card as a armor? Woolen cloth?

Although Angelet didn't understand what their operations were like, he understood now that the so-called armor didn't actually appear, it was just a cover, and Angelet became more and more convinced of this statement.

But he didn't know why Violet and the Demon King would fight against him so recklessly here, and they wanted Angelet to lose to the Demon King. What kind of nonsense is this? ?

Angelet looked at the magical space in front of him, and saw a green vine growing out, and there seemed to be something hanging on it, as if it was a battle armor. Angelet thought he was dazzled, so he took a closer look, and found that it was still white. There is nothing, the green vines I saw just now seemed to be an illusion.

But he must have seen the vines, and they are very lush, with long hairs like human hair. Angelet thought about it, and what he saw just now were vines, and they were straight and beautiful, but why did they suddenly disappear? It's gone, did some hallucination block it?

Although Angelet doesn't understand this, he also knows at this moment that he has no way to determine whether this armor is there or not.

"Devil King, you can fight as soon as you want, why are you procrastinating there?"

The Demon King was still arranging the weapons in his hand. What he was holding was a spear. The spear had a green gemstone symbol, which looked very dazzling. The Demon King took the spear and walked forward a few steps until he came to Angelet He asked in front of him, "Can't I work on my own weapons?"

Angelet rolled his eyes, "Okay, go ahead and do your work, I think you still don't want to fight, you know you can't beat me, right?"

The Demon King was not happy about this, "The fight hasn't started yet, what are you in a hurry for?"

Angelet also thinks why he is a little anxious, he wants to get the armor, indeed he has played a lot of games along the way, but now he is trapped in this armor.

"Williet, tell me who is the organizer of this so-called competition venue? I want to meet the organizer and see how he organizes this competition. Why didn't he show up from the beginning to the end?"

Violet sneered after hearing this, "You think the organizer is something you can meet whenever you want, it's not that easy, the host Fang Ping is very busy and usually doesn't show up, if he shows up, it must be something that happened in 2.7 , aren’t you guys playing pretty well in the game now?”

Angelet snorted, "That's pretty good. After working for a long time, I saw a bank card and asked me to type a book. What kind of stupid game is this?"

It is really unreasonable for him to lose, after all, he has won now, and most of the remaining players are still on the sidelines.

It's okay if you can beat it, but it's too embarrassing if you can't beat it. .

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