Chapter 456

Angelet mainly didn't want to argue about this, because it was meaningless, he mainly wanted to get the battle armor, leave the competition field, and return to Xuanshan to practice, but he didn't have the time to talk nonsense here.

But it seems that the Demon King is also difficult to deal with. He hasn't played a single one for most of the day, and he is still struggling with something.

But even so, the Demon King still did not stop his attack.

"Angelet, you are too brave. It is not certain whether we will win or lose. Now you think that the battle armor must belong to you. How is that possible. w

After all, the Demon King is also a well-known Demon King. He thinks that if he wins, he will win. However, in this space of cultivation, he is temporarily unable to use his fists. The Demon King feels unprecedented pressure, because Angelet is really powerful, but he is also There is no better solution, I just feel that this power is a bit overwhelming.

But it's already started, and you can't resign easily, right?

After thinking about it, the Devil King thinks that he still wants to fight. Even if he loses in the end, it doesn’t matter, as long as he has a ranking, he can match up with Angelet and beat most of the previous players, so their rankings are all the same. It doesn't matter, if you win the battle, your ranking will rise.

This is also a good thing for Angelet. Angelet feels that the devil is a bit taken for granted. Why does he think that it is not so simple to be able to beat at a similar level, okay?

Angelet was also thinking that the fight with the demon king before now was like a flash in the air. In the white mist, the two of them rushed forward, but in the end the power to build each other was very thin. to scatter.

Because the one in the center is the strongest, Angelet also chose to stand in the center this time, and rushed towards the devil, but the devil kept evasive and did not dare to face it head-on. Angelet also felt that the devil seemed too afraid to fight. But they've already started fighting, and it's hard to say anything else.

Angelet knows that there is still one victory in this game, and at this moment, he feels that he can pass the game, and he will finish the game, but the money in the card is also very good, but Angelet does not want to lose to the devil, which is very important for him an insult.

"Devil King, have you ever thought that if I win this game, then what you have to face is that bunch of ridicules. You can still mock me as much as you want, and after a while you will know that all the negative things about you are overwhelming. Evaluation."

"At that time you can feel how important it is to win this game, so what I want to say is that I don't want to lose to you, even if the card can't be given to me, it's okay, but my reputation can't be lost." Angelet said in the end I think it is best to win this game. If you lose, you can get a card, but it proves that Angelet is not strong enough, and this will be criticized

The Demon King laughed when he heard this. He used to think that Angelet needed money, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that Angelet paid more attention to prestige. Isn't that just about saving face?

"Angelet, you are afraid of shame. You think others will talk about you. If you are even afraid of this, then if I win you, you will be finished." The devil suddenly felt very excited when he thought of this, because after defeating Angelet, Angelet would not be ashamed. Another rival.

Instead, he became a loser who was ridiculed by everyone, so it seems that the devil is not at a loss, but the devil also knows that he may not be able to defeat Angelet.

"It's ridiculous," Angelet suddenly said at the thought. .

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