Violet looked at the Demon King in disbelief.

Although she knew very well that he would not give her anything, she thought that as long as she could stay by his side, it was enough.

But staying by his side was not to hear such words from her mouth!

Although she has seriously considered whether to stay with him or not, she still feels very sad when she hears him say such words!

"Then why not?"

The devil smiled sarcastically, "You just believed what he said, and you were shaken, otherwise how could you have such a reaction? I don't want to say too much, whether you believe in Angelet or not is up to you Choice! Besides, even if you stay by my side, it is useless, so whether you believe him or not, or whether you take sides with him "does it make any difference to me?"

"How could you say such a thing?" Violet's eyes widened, she couldn't believe that these words were said by the devil king she had trusted for so long. She made a choice, even if she gave up her life for him, she would not hesitate, but now this person keeps saying that she is useless?

It's so sad!

"What did I say?"

The Demon King felt that not only was he not wrong, but he also felt that Violet's reaction was ridiculous.

"Since you trust Angelet, you might as well trust him. Is there anyone missing by my side?"

"Everything I do is for you, I know that Angelet's persuasion to me is sincere, but I never thought of leaving, my choice is so firm, but I never thought, actually It's so sad to hear you say that one day!"

While speaking, Violet unconsciously shed tears on her face.

She raised her arm to wipe away the tears from her face, and suddenly remembered what Angelet had said.

For a moment, feelings of grievance came to her heart, she didn't understand what she did wrong, why did everything she did was for him, but ended up like this in the end?

"Then according to what you say, you think Angelet is right? Do you agree with him?"

The devil is still very angry, and the more he thinks about it, the more he finds it funny.

At this moment, Violet, apart from the deep incomprehension of the Demon King in her heart, has no other emotions for a while...

It's all the kind of deep obsession with the devil, and I don't know why, just for a moment, it suddenly seemed to be locked tightly, so that she could no longer touch it. The relationship with him in the past, and that kind of attachment.

So the previous determination was really wrong?

"Since that's the case, then it's what you say it is," Violet said as she lowered her head and didn't look at him again.

Because just at that moment, she saw the face she had been infinitely obsessed with, and suddenly felt that all the fantasies she had had for so long were all shattered, and all her determination seemed to have become a joke !

5.4 And seeing his face, you will think of all this......

After speaking, she turned and left.

Seeing Violet turn and leave, the Demon King frowned and roared, "Where are you going?"

"I don't have a home anymore. I used to think that as long as there is a place I miss, it is home, but now I feel that anywhere is better than here...

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