After speaking, Violet walked forward again.

The devil didn't know what was going on, and suddenly rushed down the steps, trying to stop her.

"I'm asking where you are going!" He still roared angrily, but he was sure that Violet would never leave.

Because if she could really leave, she would have left long ago, why did she stay until now?

"Didn't I answer you, it's better to go anywhere than here."

But the Demon King didn't expect that after Violet finished speaking this time, he turned around and left immediately. He became a little annoyed. Did this woman want to use this method to attract more of his attention?

That would be too naive!

"Are you sure that going anywhere in 05 is better than being here! If you really think this is the case, then you have a try! See if the facts are what you think!"

Looking at Violet's back, he said loudly!

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Violet stopped in her tracks.

Looking at her, stopping back, the devil showed a smile of "I knew it was like this" on his face!

Because he knew that this woman would never leave him, no matter what happened, it would be the same!

After all, if he could really leave so resolutely, he would definitely not stay here until today!

But once again she didn't expect that when Violet stopped this time, she just turned around and said to him, "Although I don't know why you think I don't think so in my heart, what I want to tell you is , the reason why I stayed here before and didn't want to leave is because here is my inner choice. I think I can get happiness here, and I can get what I want, but I didn't expect that you would be so happy in your heart. Thinking like that, do you think I have to stay here? Do you think there is no other thing I yearn for in this world? Is it not worth all the sacrifices I have made for such a long time? You I don't seem to pay any attention to my efforts, and you still think I should, and your actions make me feel very chilled, so... suddenly I understand a lot of things, I think I may really As Angelet said, I need to use my time to do more and more useful things, and to see more wonderful life, maybe I can know what I really want, and then I can know what I really want Where can I get it!"

This time, after being loyal to Violet, he resolutely turned around and left!

Looking at the back of that person who left firmly, without turning back a step, the devil still vomited and roared, "You will regret it! You will definitely regret what you said today["

Violet wanted to say in her heart that even if she regretted it, it was her own business, and it had nothing to do with him in the future, but in the end, she held back and didn't even say these words, because she was afraid that she would say another word If you do, you will change your mind and choose to stay again...

In fact, even I really want to know in my heart whether I will regret it after leaving like this...

Angelet, Angelet, I never thought you were right...

Leaving this place where she had stayed for a long time, Violet looked at the sky. .

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