"What the hell are these people trying to do? Why don't they speak? Could it be that the person at the counter asked us to do the work just now, and also asked us to do this?"

Just when Violet was wondering, another voice suddenly came from behind her.

"They have no way to communicate with you."

A gentle and pleasant male voice appeared behind him.

Violet and Angelet then turned their heads and looked at the man standing behind them. Of course, they didn't know this man either.

"Excuse me...do you know who they are?"

Violet asked the man in front of her.

313 "They are the souls who work here without pay."

The man explained as he walked towards them and introduced himself, "My name is Greens."

"Hello, Mr. Greens." Willie nodded, "May I ask what is this place? Who are those people? Why are they left here to work for free? Is our ending the same as theirs? ?”

"If you don't follow what I say next, then you may indeed face the same as them next, (afab) but as long as you listen to me and do what I say, You won't be like this!"

Greens said as he took out a quill from his pocket.

"Did anyone ever give you a sign before you came here?"

"Yes," Angelet said, taking out the sign.

Then Violet also took out her piece, but was rejected by Greens.

"Just one piece is enough." Then he took the piece from leader Angelet, quickly scratched the sign a few times with a quill, and wrote in a font they didn't recognize.

"You just take this sign and go to the counter, and then tell the person in front of the counter that you want to live here, he will reach out and ask you for a sign, and then you will give him this sign, and then tell him , you two must be together, you only have one sign," Greens said here, and emphasized to Violet, "You must not take out your sign, because if you do, you will Will be separated, after separation, when you can leave, you will not be able to find each other!"

"But...why do you do that?"

Violet didn't understand.

"Don't ask so many questions, just do what I say..."

"But..." Violet wanted to say something, but Angelet next to her stretched out her hand and gently pushed her, "Let's do what he said first.

After all, time is limited, if they miss the best time, maybe they will really be left here forever like those people outside the door.

And being left here is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that they can't even do the most basic communication between people, so they have been working endlessly like this, and they don't even know that they have What a pain, it's not only terrible, it's pathetic!

Then they took the sign that Greens had written, and came to the counter again.

Only then did they see that the person in the apron actually had a sign on it, which said "Rich Ford Lang", which should be his name. .

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