Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 474: The Big Ship Suddenly Appeared

"Hi, Mr. Verdron, we want to stay here," Angelet said, placing the sign on the counter.

Strange to say, when Richford Lang saw this sign, he immediately changed. His attitude when he saw them just now seemed to be a different person.

I saw that after Richford Lang took the sign, he did not know what was recorded in a ledger next to it, and then he threw the sign into the box behind, and then gave them another sign, " Starting today, your work will be on the third floor."

Received the sign that Rich Ford Lang handed over, although Angelet couldn't understand what was written on it, she still nodded in response.

Afterwards, Angelet naturally brought Violet to the third floor.

There is also a counter on the third floor, but it can be seen that this counter is only in charge of the affairs of the third floor.

"Hello, is anyone there?"

After Angelet asked this a few times, she still didn't get any response.

This floor is different from the first floor just now.

There are people coming and going here, and you can clearly see what the people passing by are like.

Those on the first floor wouldn't stop to look at them, but those on this floor would.

Everyone passing by will take a look in their direction, but don't make any stop, just take a look and continue to move forward, continuing to be busy with the things in their hands.

Some of them are holding mops in their hands, some are carrying water, some are carrying food, and some are responsible for transporting, eating and using the leftover garbage.

"Are they all... working here?" Violet asked Angelet as if she was talking to herself.

"Maybe," Angelet didn't quite know the situation here, but it seemed to be the case.

"But who are these people working for? They work here, there should always be someone who is served?"

Only seeing people working here non-stop, but not who they are working for, Violet finds this very strange.

Just when she was wondering who these people were working for, Angelet suddenly saw that not far from the downstairs of the building they were in, that is, on the river around the building after they entered, There is a big ship!

0...seeking flowers0

Before the big boat came, the river was always turbulent and turbulent, but when the big boat appeared on the river, the river became much calmer.

Until the big ship docked tightly on the edge of the river bank.

Afterwards, many people came down from the boat in unison, their clothes were very strange, each of them wore long robes, they were tall, short, fat, and thin, and they were all different.

And when they got off the boat, Rich Ford Lang had already brought people to the front to greet them.

Didn't expect that Richie Fordron could still have such a smile on his face?

"Should be working for these people," Angelet said while turning her head to look at Violet beside her.

Now, they can be very sure that they were deceived by the old man.

Here, these people who work here should have been tricked in like this.

I was cheated here, and then I couldn't get out, so I have been working here endlessly for ten years. .

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