Then these guests will come here every day, in order to maintain the operation as always, so the only way to keep the stability of the whole system is to keep tricking people in.

"Who are you?"

Suddenly a female voice came from behind, and Angelet and Violet turned their heads to look at the woman standing in front of them who was talking to them at the same time.

"We came to work on the third floor," Angelet replied, "May 13." "Mr. Rich Ford Lang asked us to come."

"So it's like this, you guys just came here, my name is Lisa Mina, I'm in charge of managing this floor, I will arrange your work in the future, come with me.

Lisa Mina walked in front, followed by Angelet and Violet.

Soon they followed Lisa Mina to a room, "Your job today is to serve the guests in this room. If they want to eat, you have to prepare food for him and send it to him here." , if they want to wash up, you need to prepare toiletries for him at any time, anyway, let them eat, drink, and rest well, until they all leave this room, today's work is over, understand?"

"Understood, Miss Lisa."

Angelet nodded, although now he knew that he and Violet had been cheated, originally he just wanted to find a place to rest today, but he didn't expect that there was no way to rest now, and he had to work instead.

But since they have been deceived, what can be done?

After Lisamina finished making arrangements, she turned around and went back to the counter, leaving only Angelet and Villet in the room.

"How long are we going to stay here?" Violet asked Angelet anxiously.

"These people should leave in the morning. After all, when we first came here, they were not there. I guess, they should come at a fixed time every day, and then leave until the morning. This store should not be an ordinary shop. shop.

"Then what kind of shop is this?" Violet didn't understand, how did he figure it out?

"This shop should provide some services in the world for the souls of the past. It should be normal. No one wants to work here, so we can only use deceitful methods like when we came here just now. , However, we will definitely get paid here, and after we come, we will become voluntary to stay, so their fault is only cheating..."

"But we didn't come here voluntarily at the beginning, how can we leave here now? Mr. Angelet, I really don't want to stay here forever! Think about it


Thinking of staying here every day, Violet's heart clenched.

"Of course we have to find a way," Angelet nodded, but the problem is, he just can't think of a way now, if there is a way, why would he stay here?

1.9 Just then, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

"Stop talking, someone should be here!"

Angelet just finished talking to Violet about the person in front of her, and she opened her eyes!

In came a man in a robe.

"I want to eat, I'm so hungry!"

The man said as soon as he walked in the door.

"Okay, sir, what would you like to eat?".

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