After listening to Le Angelet's words, the man instantly felt as if he had been enlightened!

"That's really the case!" Suddenly, he suddenly realized that he had never thought of what he was going to do for such a long time, because he had never thought about this problem at all, and he had always been superficially deceived!

"Thank you so much, if it weren't for meeting you, I might really be stuck on this ship forever!"

In fact, they are not trapped between these two locations, but on this ship!

There must be something on this ship that is controlling all of this!

"There must be a conspiracy behind this, a conspiracy that wants to use you to gain benefits!"

"Then what should we do now? We have all been deceived now. In this conspiracy, how can we destroy this conspiracy and let the truth of this matter come to light without revealing our identities?"

Violet asked Angelet.

Now let alone let the truth of this conspiracy come to light, if they also forget what they are going to do, where they came from and their purpose because of this ship, they may not even be able to go back to that store, what are they talking about? Let Yin Mou reveal the truth?

But by Angelet's side, she knew that such a thing would never happen, because Angelet was very smart and would never let himself fall into such a situation!

Otherwise, he wouldn't let her board the boat with him!

"Do you remember where your home is. °?"

Angelet asked the man.

"I don't remember. Since I came to this boat, I have completely forgotten everything about saving money." The man shook his head. If he still remembered what he was like before, his unfulfilled wish and his own Name, so there is no need for Angelet to help.

"Then do you still remember, what did you wear before? I don't remember where you lived before, and I don't remember other information. What did you wear when you came to this boat? You always remember, right? On this boat, there should be There will be corresponding records, it doesn't matter if you don't remember, if I can find the corresponding records, I will be able to know what you were wearing that day.

From the way he came to this boat again, you can roughly judge where he was before, and then you can judge where he was roughly based on this rough location. As long as you determine where he lived before, then the rest The next thing is easy to handle.

"This..." But obviously, for this man, this is a difficult problem!

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, let's go to the boat and have a look," Angelet said, turning his head to look at Violet, motioning for her to go with him.

At this time, many people on the boat had already disembarked, so the boat was already empty.

"There is no one on board at this time. If we want to find something on board (for money), this is the most convenient time. Now you go over there, and I will go here," Angelet said, pointing to two the opposite direction.

Williet nodded and went in the direction Angelet pointed.

But after searching around, Violet found nothing.

Returning empty-handed, she was about to tell Angelet in disappointment that when she found nothing, she suddenly saw a roster in Angelet's hand...

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