"what is this?"

She walked over and asked, although she did know that it was a register, but she didn't know what kind of register it was and what it was used to record.

"This is the information of everyone on this ship. Now we need to find that person from among them, and first fulfill his wish that he had not fulfilled before his death."

While talking, Angelet kept looking for the man on the roster.

Because there are photos next to it, you can clearly see everyone's information.

"Villette, you can't be idle now, you still have to look for suspicious things on this ship, and if you find something suspicious, come and tell me later," he confessed

Anyway, Violet doesn't have any other purpose here now, so it's better to look for it first, there are things on this boat that may entangle those souls.

"Okay," Willie nodded, and turned to leave the cabin.

After a while, Angelet finally found the man on the roster.

After looking at the basic information, he then walked out of the cabin with the roster.

"Is this you?" Angelet asked.

The man didn't know if it was him or not, he stared intently at the photo on the roster, not sure.

Because he was afraid that after he confirmed it, if he wasn't in the photo, wouldn't it make everything behind (afcf) very complicated.

"It doesn't matter if you're not sure, just take this person as you," Angelet was very happy, because at first he didn't expect that the address of residence and some other basic information were recorded on it.

This makes things much simpler.

"Now I will help you find out what was your unfulfilled wish. Now please concentrate and tell me what you saw!"

While speaking, Angelet took out a compass.

It is not an ordinary compass, it can follow the position of the desired place according to the thoughts of the soul!

"it is good!"

Then he put the compass into the man's hand, "Close your eyes and think carefully!"

"I...I literally saw my hometown! It's amazing!"

The man couldn't help exclaiming, "Yes, I remembered, I used to live here!"

"Don't get excited, you haven't found that unfulfilled wish yet, you just found the place where you lived before, continue!"

Angelet persuaded in a low voice.

"I.....I know!"

Suddenly, tears flowed down the man's face.

"Know what?"

"I know what my unfulfilled wish is!"

For a while, I didn't know whether the tears were because of sadness, or because of joy.

But no matter what the reason is, it is already an extremely rare thing for a soul that is no longer in this world to be able to shed tears!

Only then did Angelet put away the compass.

The man opened his eyes and looked at Angelet excitedly, still unable to control his tears for a while.

"I see..." he said tremblingly.

"So what is that wish? If you want us to complete the unfulfilled one for you, then you must tell us first." Now, he and Violet want to leave that building and get rid of that contract. We can only solve the whole system first.

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