The old man just doesn't want to go back to his previous miserable life.

Everyone thinks that they can live a good life, but in fact, there are still many people who are not happy. Although there are many ways to obtain happiness and happiness, it is always necessary to find the right way, so before this Someone needs to guide them.

"I don't want to see anyone suffer, but the only people I can save are those who will listen to persuasion. Like this kind of evil, may he still be unwilling to believe after being persuaded by others? Then I still have What is there to say? People like this are just wasting our time!


"Angelet was hesitant to speak for a while, presumably at this time he actually wanted to persuade Miss Willett, but I don't think there is such a need. Everyone has different opinions on different things, and do what you want. It’s fine to do what you do. Willette doesn’t want to think about these issues from the perspective of this matter. It doesn’t matter. I am willing to think from the perspective of Mr. Angelet, but at the same time I also understand this old man, so everyone is willing Let's do whatever we want, okay?"

Suddenly, Lisa Mina took a step forward and interrupted the conversation between them, then looked at the old man, she smiled and said, "Old man, I don't know if you still remember me, but I am Remember you, I was also the one you brought me to that place before, and now I don’t have any hatred for you, so you see, even if you have treated people in a bad way, it doesn’t have to be in the end will hate you."

"So what do you want to say?" The old man didn't want to hear Lisamina's words at all.

"I just want to tell you that the life you thought was painful in the past may actually be good for you. Your life in the past was unsatisfactory, but did you think about it from a good angle? You are very poor, but your body is healthy. Although some people have a lot of money, their bodies are not healthy at all. Even if they have a lot of money, they can’t spend their own money. What’s the use? Their money is still owned by others, you can think about it carefully..."

0…ask for flowers……

Having said that, Lisa Mina paused for a moment, and sure enough, a different expression appeared on the old man's face, which was really moving.

"So think about it this way, in fact, your previous life was not so painful, was it?"

"I don't want to hear you say that!" the old man interrupted Lisamina.

"It doesn't matter whether you want to hear what I have to say, but I just need to tell you what I want to say, and you can choose whatever you want about the rest," Lisa Mina turned her head to look at Looking at Angelet, "Mr. Angelet, when I watched you communicate with Ms. Willett just now, I felt that you were trying to get the other party to agree with you. I really don't think there is such a need. The encounters in our lives Everyone I meet is actually just a passer-by in my own life, and I am the protagonist of my life. Why do I have to let the passers-by in my life agree with me? Isn’t it just a matter of doing your own thing well? Ok?"


The breeze blew slowly, shaking Lisamina's golden hair. .

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