After finishing speaking, before Angelet could answer, she shrugged her shoulders indifferently, "Okay, I've finished what I should say about this word, and then everyone can make their own choices. As for this A contract. Whether the old man wants it or not, put it here, if he doesn’t want it, other people will naturally come and take it away, it’s not something we can control!”

After a while, Angelet nodded "four nine three".

Indeed, Lisamina was quite right.

Why must Violet agree with him?

As long as he thinks it's right, isn't that all right?

As for this old man, if he still refuses to change after being persuaded, then he will definitely be punished for the crime he committed in the future...

"Sure enough, you have to communicate with people who share the same language, so that you can grow yourself," Angelet said while nodding. Of course, what he said meant that he and Lisa Mina had a common language. .

It was a pleasure to communicate with Lisa Mina.

Of course, under this comparison, Violet, who had just communicated with Angelet, seemed a little unreasonable.

So she frowned and turned her head away, "Okay, I don't have a common language with you, it's not easy for me to communicate with you, so is this okay?"

"I didn't mean that," Angelet looked at Violet. "Why did you suddenly have a disagreement with me at this moment? You clearly know that's not what I want to express!"

"I don't know what you want to express, and I don't want to know, but I know that what we are going to do now is not this. Since he is not willing to listen to persuasion, if you continue to persuade him, what does that have to do with me? ! You can talk slowly here, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, Violet turned and left stubbornly.

"Hey, Violet!"

Seeing that stubborn figure from behind, Angelet quickly chased after him.

Hearing the hurried footsteps, Violet raised the corners of her lips and smiled.

She knew that it was impossible for a half-love to give up on her so easily.

Violet, who was held back by Angelet, turned her head and smiled, "What's the matter? Didn't you insist on insisting on your point of view just now? Why are you looking for me now?"

"I'm not sticking to my point of view. I'm just telling you the truth. Don't be like this. There is something that everyone can discuss. Besides, didn't you say that you will go with me in the future? Now you are alone Going away, is this a violation of our agreement?"

Angelet sighed while speaking...

For some reason, Violet suddenly lost his temper, and he felt that he did not say anything wrong...... 010501405 Feilu 090210460]

"Okay, even if I broke the agreement between us, but so what?"

"You and I……………"

Angelet once again hesitated to speak. Lisa Mina also came over at this time, "Okay, this matter has been dealt with, he has accepted it in 4.6, he said that he will not lie to others in the future, but is what he said true or false? It’s out of control, the best we can do now is to get him to agree, now we can go.”

"Huh?" Hearing Lisa Mina's words, Angelet turned to look at her suspiciously.

Similarly, Violet looked at her incomprehensibly. .

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