"Don't get excited, the reason I asked you to wait is because I want to tell you that just now..."

"What happened just now?" Angelet also looked at Lisa Mina's hesitant expression in confusion. It was really hard not to doubt whether she had seen some clues just now.

"I suspect that I just saw the person the elder brother mentioned......"

"What did you say?" The man couldn't believe "693", the man couldn't believe it, looking at Lisa Mina, "You mean you saw my wife?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I didn't see your wife. What I mean is, I may have seen the man you said was with your wife!"

Just when she passed the intersection ahead, she accidentally saw a man passing by, who had a similar body shape to Angelet, and even had the same walking posture!

Although they have only known each other for more than a day, it cannot explain how deeply she understands Angelet, but that person is really similar to Angelet, and she is absolutely sure of this!

"Why did you say it at this time!" Violet looked at Lisa Mina angrily, "Where did you see it?"

"At the intersection we passed just now, we walked past a man who was very similar to Mr. Angelet, and even his walking posture was very similar. I suspect that this gentleman saw the man who walked into the hotel where he was staying yesterday. The person is not Mr. Angelet, but the man I just saw," Lisa Mina said while turning her head to look at the strong man, "Sir, can you now prove that Mr. Angelet is not the man you are looking for Yet?"

Although Lisa Mina did see it, the strong man still refused to believe it.

"You can't prove that you have seen someone who looks like him? How can you make me believe it?"

"Isn't this a very simple matter? If you don't believe it, why don't we find that person immediately?"

"It's been so long, even if you go back there, you may not be able to find that person again, why didn't you say it when you saw it just now?"

Violet blamed Lisamina.

"When I saw it just now, I was just confused and didn't think of it. I also suddenly felt that he was very similar to Mr. Angelet, so I remembered this

You didn't pay attention at all when you were walking on the road, why are you blaming me for all the problems at this time?"

Lisa Mina was actually not as excited as she appeared on the surface, because seeing Violet being so impulsive, she felt more and more that she had won!

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, no matter whether that person is still there or not, we will go back now, no matter whether we can find him or not, we will always go back and have a look!" Angelet interrupted Violet A word with Lisamina...

Although the two women are constantly arguing about his affairs, he has a large part of the responsibility for 1.0, but the two beauties are willing to quarrel for him, as a man, please allow him to have a little pride in his heart!

Then after negotiation, they decided to go back to the intersection they just passed to see if that person was still there.

But sure enough, after returning to that intersection, the person Lisa Mina saw just now was no longer there. .

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