"Still trying to lie to me?"

The man snorted coldly, "Don't think that you can team up to lie to me just because you have found two helpers. I saw with my own eyes that it was you. Don't argue about anything now. Just tell me, where is she now?"

The man didn't intend to continue wasting time on this matter, and returned to the original question.

But the problem is that Angelet really doesn't know where his wife is, and he hasn't done anything wrong to him, so he has nothing to say to 05, because he doesn't want to argue with him.

"Why are you doing this again? Aren't we looking for it with you now?" Lisa Mina stepped forward.

"What's the use of looking for it with me, have I found it after so long?"

"Then you have been looking for so long alone? Have you found it again? You found out that your wife has a problem half a year ago, so have you caught your wife's handle? No or not? Now because of your wife's affairs , we don’t sleep, and we come here to find someone with you, but it’s our fault, isn’t it? If you insist on being so stubborn, then take him away, look at you Stay with him all the time, will your wife appear, if you can wait until your wife appears by his side, I guess you will have to wait until the end of time, until the sea is dry and the stone is rotten!"

Violet is in a very bad mood now, seeing this man so stubborn, she didn't have a good word to say.

Now I just want to solve this matter quickly, then go back to sleep, and then go.

For some reason, the man was suddenly taken aback by these words.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems right, even if I have been with Angelet all the time, if my wife doesn't show up, it seems that I can't prove anything......

"Then what are you going to do now?" the brawny man asked.

"I can be sure that the man I saw just now is very similar to Mr. Angelet, so in this small town, there must be someone pretending to be Mr. Angelet, and the man you saw must be him!"

Lisa Mina said for sure, even if they didn't catch that person now.

"Anyway, no matter what you say now, there is no basis for what you say, if you haven't brought that person in front of me, there is no way to prove that he didn't do these things!"

While talking in that state, he even sat down beside him.

This is like saying "If you don't solve today's matter clearly, everyone will never want to go back!"

"Don't you have a chamber of commerce in your hand? Why don't you let the people under your hand come to help you find it? Their boss wife, they don't know each other, right?"

Willett asked.

"You mean, you want me to let everyone in my 480 know about this? Then why don't you just let me die?"

The strong man wanted to roll his eyes, wasn't this woman very smart just now? But at this moment, she can even say such stupid things?

"It seems to be right..."

Violet wanted to laugh a little.

Didn't expect to see such a thing one day, someone pretending to be Angelet and being with someone else's wife?

"Time waits for no one, let's look for it separately, how about it." Finally, Angelet still took the initiative to suggest that they split up, so that they can find that person faster. .

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