And when saying this sentence, the clerk also felt quite strange.

Because it wasn't in the morning, did you obviously see this man leaving with those two women?

Why did this person come back alone at this time? He also asked her, did the two women leave any words for him?

She originally wanted to ask, "Didn't you leave together? Did they leave anything behind? You saw this with your own eyes. Why do you need to come back and ask?" But after thinking about it, if she asked this question herself, I'm afraid it will cause this person to ask some questions that he can't answer, so he didn't ask in the end.

"OK, thanks!"

Angelet nodded, then left the counter.

He didn't understand why one of Lisamina and Violet knew that Angelet was a fake, but didn't leave a word to him?

"Brother, could your previous guess be wrong? Could it be that your two partners didn't find out that the person was a fake? Then your two partners left with him? So he didn't give you leave any message?"

The man followed the footsteps, stepped forward and said.

"Impossible," Angelet shook her head-.

It's not that he hasn't thought about this problem, but the probability of this happening is almost zero, not to mention that Lisa Mina and Violet didn't find out, it's not the real him, even if they both Didn't realize that within such a short period of time, they wouldn't leave in such a hurry, would they?

But he left in a hurry, and left nothing behind, could it be that...

"Have you thought of something? Brother, what should we do now?"

This big brother brought Angelet's thoughts back to reality.

He turned his head and looked at the man standing next to him who was looking straight at him, and said angrily, "Can you not call me that? Also, can you tell me your name? Calling you? Big brother, big brother, as if I am the one who does bad things all day long!"

"Well, Yin Gong!"

Seeing Angelet looked at him helplessly, he immediately changed his words, and then laughed, "My name is Joseph, from now on I will call you Brother Angelet!"

"Forget it, do whatever you want..."

0…Ask for flowers O…………

Angelet shook his head. At this time, he seemed to have suddenly remembered something. He returned to the store just now, tapped the counter lightly, and asked the clerk, "Hi, I want to ask again, when they left In which direction?"

I left in such a hurry that I almost forgot to ask where they went. If I chase after them aimlessly, when will I find them?


"They went to the left after they went out. If you want to find them, maybe you can go to the left after you go out and you can catch up with them."

"Okay thank you!"

After finishing speaking this time, Angelet finally left the store, and now he has to go after Violet and the others immediately!

Because he still doesn't know whether that guy is a person, or just a puppet like those in black.

It would be easy if it was an individual, but if that guy was just a puppet like those in black, then things would become more troublesome!

Because Lisa Mina and Violet may not believe what people say, but puppets, they are not so easy to get rid of!

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