At the same time, at the border of the town, Violet, Lisa Mina, and the fake Angelet have already come here, and they will leave the town soon.

"Angelet" looked at Violet who was walking ahead without saying a word. After thinking for a while, he quickly followed her, patted her lightly, and said, "Are you still angry with me?" what?"

When the word "angry" was mentioned, Weierli "140" frowned and turned to look at him.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm asking if you're still angry. If you're still angry, just say you're angry! I need to know that you're angry, so I know how to calm you down Well!"

Seeing "Angelet" say so seriously, Violet really became a little skeptical.

Because Angelet in the past was definitely not like this.

"Am I angry? It's none of your business. Besides, my mood is my business. Why do you need to calm down? Can't you do your own thing?"

The previous Angelet would never show any emotional concessions. Although he had always advocated the principle that right is right or wrong is wrong, but precisely because of this, as long as he knew he was right, he would I will never make any concessions, which makes people feel a little annoying, at least as a woman, I hate men who are too principled.

But now Angelet, how can there be such a little bit of shadow?

He is not very sensible now, except that his appearance is still the same as that of Angelet in the past, in other places, she really can't see any similarities with Angelet.

So is what Lisa Mina said true?

He told himself in his heart that it doesn't matter even if it is true, but at the same time, he also thought, does it really matter...

"There's nothing wrong now, so I think it's right for me to take care of your emotions..."

"Angelet" was talking, his voice was overshadowed by the noisy voices of a group of people gathered together in front.

And Violet wasn't listening to what he was saying, all her attention was focused on the group of people in front.

"What happened up front?"

"Angelet" saw that Violet was also looking in that direction, so he asked...

Violet rolled her eyes, "Can't you see it yourself?"

He still wanted to say something, but if he said it, he might only get a blank stare from Violet, so he finally gave up.

At this time, Lisa Mina had already walked to the side of the group of people, and it seemed lively.

"Why, all this is my fault? Don't you have any responsibility? Don't you feel guilty when you say such things now?"

The anger was fully expressed by this tone, and there was no need for any other actions. As long as anyone present heard these words, they would know that the woman who spoke was 1.7 very angry.

Of course, it also includes Violet and Lisa Mina who just came to watch.

"Let's go," Lisamina said to them as she withdrew from the crowd.

"Don't read it?"

Violet watched and listened to her, wasn't this woman very interested in watching the excitement just now?

"It doesn't mean much, it's just some other people's family affairs.

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