"It's nothing... just, be careful, we are waiting for you outside."

Lisa Mina looked at Angelet and said softly.

Before going in, I didn't expect Lisa Mina to care about him so much.

Not only was Angelet not worried that she would be in danger, but she even smiled.

"Do not worry!"

Seeing the two talking to each other like this, Violet wanted to laugh but couldn't.

Just met for a few days? You worry about me, I worry about yours, is that interesting?

Opening the door with ease, Angelet went up the stairs, and quickly entered the building.

It was pitch dark here, and there was no light, so he had to take out the lighting tool that he carried with him. Although it was not particularly bright, it was enough for him to see the road in the 05 miles of the house.

There are two floors in the building, and he clearly knows that he needs to look for each room one by one, and he can't miss any room.

Finally, in the second room on the second floor, he saw the girl lying on the sofa!

The girl had purple hair, which was pressed neatly behind her back, with her hands folded on her stomach, and a pair of purple shoes on her feet. Through the quiet sleep, Angelet saw her clearly, breathing with her breath trembling eyelashes!

Fortunately, the girl is still alive!


Take a closer look, she looks like lying here, normal people shouldn't sleep like this, right?

So it can be seen that someone put her here on purpose, otherwise, which normal person would lie upright like this while sleeping, and put his hands on his stomach?

What's more, what girl sleeps with her hair pushed back?

But he didn't think too much. He possessed the girl with purple hair, hugged her very easily, and walked out of the house.

But just as he was walking, the girl opened her eyes.

In the dim light, looking at the man's chin above his head, the faint light outlines the line of his jaw, because the distance is very close, so he can clearly hear his breathing.

"Are you... the hero who came to save me?"

A sweet noise sounded, Angelet looked down at the girl in his arms, wondering when she woke up.


Recently, he seems to have heard this word twice.

It was Lisa Mina who said it last time.

If it's just one guy saying that, maybe it's not true, but both girls said "that means he's really a hero!

"Yes, you close your eyes first, I will take you out of here first, and take you back to have a good rest!"

Angelet said softly with a happy heart.


The girl nodded, then leaned into his arms and closed her eyes securely.

When she saw Angelet walking out of the building with the purple-haired girl in her arms, Lisa Mina stood aside to make way for them. 807

Violet frowned, "I found it so soon?"

"Why, do you want me to stay here and not come out?"

Angelet was a little annoyed, what do you mean you found it so quickly?

Has he been looking for a long time?

"You can say whatever you want," Violet turned her head away, "I'll be fine if I find it."

After finishing speaking, he walked back towards Mrs. Jimmy's residence.

"Well, is she all right?"

Lisa Mina looked at the peaceful sleeping face of the girl in Angelet's arms and asked him.

"It should be fine, but I still need to see a doctor after I go back. I can only know that there is no trauma, and I don't know anything else."

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