
Seeing Angelet coming back with her daughter in her arms, Mrs. Guimet couldn't control her tears instantly.

"Bell, what's wrong with you Bell?"

Mrs. Jimmy caressed her elder's face lightly, she raised her face and asked Angelet down as she spoke.

"Mrs. Jimmy, don't worry, she just fell asleep, and she just woke up and talked to me!"

"Ah? So that's how it is," Mrs. Jigme nodded reassuringly, "Come on, let her go to the room.

Then he took Angelet to Bell's room.

After putting Bell in the room, Mrs. Guimet pulled Angelet and said many words of thanks.

"It's nothing. In fact, it's Lisa who was able to find Miss Bell. I'm just responsible for bringing her back!"

Angelet scratched the back of her head modestly.

"You are all Bell's benefactors, and also my benefactors! If you have any requests, just ask them!"

Mrs. Jimmy Yibing talked to Angelet while walking outside.

"Ask Lisa about this... but, didn't she say that Bell's father is missing too? Do you need our help to find him"||?"

As soon as Bell's father was mentioned, Mrs. Jimmy's expression changed.

"There's no need to look for him, he can go wherever he likes!"


They were originally a husband and wife, but when they mentioned each other, they were so angry. Angelet thought, it should be Bell's father, so I am sorry for Mrs. Jimmy.


"Nothing but, you don't need to look for him. Where he likes to go, that's all his business. From now on, I won't care about him anymore. If it wasn't because of him, how could my daughter be lost?"

Although Bell has been found, it can be seen that Mrs. Jimmy is still very angry.

"Okay, it's all up to heaven and man!"

Angelet didn't dare to say more, after all, this lady's temper seemed to be quite serious, besides, this was a family matter, and even if she said she couldn't find it, he couldn't say anything.

But I didn't expect that when they came out, I heard Lisa Mina say, "We found Bell's father!"


Mrs. Guimet had a very surprised look on her face.

"Because you are a family, after finding Bell just now, this cup automatically determines the location of Bell's father, and now...

Although it is said to have been found, whether to go or not, you only need to look at Mrs. Jimmy's own opinion.

After all, what if people don't want to?

They would have saved the trip.

Anyway, Mrs. Jigme has already agreed before, after finding Bell, any conditions are acceptable!

"`〃 Now that you have found it, please bring him back!"

When Bell's father was mentioned, Mrs. Jimmy was still very angry, and her eyes were full of anger.

"Okay, let's go now, ma'am, wait a moment!"

Of course, Angelet set off with Lisa Mina.

But this time Violet didn't go, because she didn't want to see Angelet and Lisa (Zhao Wanghao) Mina on the road again, talking and laughing with each other.

She thought it was very dazzling, and listening to what they said, she also felt very awkward in her heart!

"Why didn't you go?"

Mrs. Jimmy asked Violet who didn't go.

"It's nothing, it's just that I've been a little tired recently, since they can bring Bell's father back safely, anyway, I won't be able to help if I go, so I won't go at all, let me talk to you ~",

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