Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 549 Entering The High-Level Wu Tower To Study

Moreover, entering the high-level Wu Tower to study this time is not a one-time entry. Every once in a while, there will be a second assessment, and a total of three tests must be passed. Only after passing these three tests can you enter the high-level Wu Tower to study .

The contents of these exams are all recorded by the teacher, so here, the teachers and apprentices are basically the same.

Ok. Your Excellency Angelet, in fact, it is a very difficult task to be promoted to a high-level wizard. After being promoted to a high-level wizard, everyone's mental strength, physique and strength will be improved to a certain extent.

Moreover, in the process of being promoted to a high-level wizard, every time one has to go through a big battle, this battle is extremely dangerous. Therefore, every time during the assessment period, we will let each apprentice enter a secret realm.

After going to fight, the apprentice will get enough points to be qualified for promotion, and then he can go directly to the high-level Wu Tower to study. The teacher sitting in the first place said slowly.

It turned out to be like this. Angelet nodded to show he understood.

Then we start the assessment now? He looked at a group of Wuta apprentices in the classroom. Of course. Sir Angelet, please wait a moment. An old man in the classroom said to Angelet with a smile.

Angelet nodded suspiciously, waiting for the old man's next words.

I'm sorry, Your Excellency Angelet, it's not time for the assessment yet. The old man shook his head and said slowly. Oh? Why? Angelet asked puzzled.

Because the assessment time for this year's newcomers to be promoted to high-level wizards is two months later, and it is only the first round now, and this year's newcomers to be promoted to high-level wizards will have the first round of assessment two months later.

And on that day, our advanced class will hold a grand competition, and four newcomers will be born in this competition to be promoted to high-level wizards. So, I hope His Excellency Angelet can join this feast.

Use this to enhance your strength, and it can also help our Wuta Academy newcomers to advance to a higher level. The old man looked at Angelet and said seriously.

I see. Angelet nodded.

Alright, Your Excellency Angelet, now that you understand, you can go to rest now, you should go to familiarize yourself with the academy first, and we will send someone to pick you up during the assessment time in two months. The old man in the classroom spoke.

0…ask for flowers……………

Well, then bother the professor. Angelet got up and said, then turned and walked outside.

When leaving Wuta Academy, Angelet packed his things, then took the spaceship and flew towards the Black Forest.

Angelet is no longer in the mood to care about the assessment of newbies being promoted to high-level wizards. He just wants to rush to the Black Forest as soon as possible and enter the high-level wizard tower to study. The level of sorcery is raised to level 5 sorcery.

After staying in the Black Forest for a week, Angelet left the Black Forest again.

Back to the villa where he lived.

In the past few days, Angelet has been practicing. According to Wutali's memory, Angelet has easily mastered all the witchcraft in Wutali.

After some training, Angelet returned to the Wu Tower.

As soon as Angelet returned to the Wu Tower, she immediately returned to the room and sat cross-legged on the ground, clasped her hands together, and began to absorb the little Wuli in the Wu Tower. .

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