Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 550 Huge Fluctuations In Witch Power

The witch power in the Wu Tower is the purest witch power, even purer than the magic power in the magic crystal energy vein in the Black Forest, it is so cool to absorb.

An hour later, a halo of light suddenly lit up around Angelet, and a huge wave of witchcraft permeated his body.

At this moment, his total witch power has reached a terrifying level of 1.87 million.

Phew! Finally, the witch power has been increased by "520" to 10 million!! Feeling the total amount of witch power, Angelet showed a satisfied look on his face.

His current total witch power has reached more than 16 million.

Although it is far from the value of 900,000, it is almost the same. If he wants to continue to improve, he needs a lot of witch power.

However, the witch power in the Wu Tower is continuously improved step by step, and the witch power does not need to be consumed every time.

Now the total amount of witch power has increased to more than 16 million. In the next two months, I can continue to increase the total amount of witch power. Angelet stood up, slowly stretched her muscles and bones, and a smile was drawn on the corner of her mouth.

His goal is to raise his witchcraft level to level five as soon as possible, and then directly promote to senior wizard.

It is very difficult to be promoted to a senior wizard. When Angelet entered the realm of a senior wizard, the total wizard power of the entire Wuta apprentices was only about five million.

Five million witch power is almost a huge foundation for ordinary people.

But for Angelet, who owns the witch tower, five million witch powers can't even compete with an ordinary first-level wizard.

Whether it is a first-level wizard or a fifth-level wizard, they all have their own powerful special abilities of witchcraft. Angelet thought to himself.

All of this depends on the strong strength of the Wuta apprentices themselves.

The stronger the Wuta apprentice is, the stronger the witchcraft ability he can naturally display.

The two first-level wizards that Angelet met in the black forest before were able to defeat the two second-level wizards because of their powerful witchcraft abilities and their own fighting style.

Otherwise, Angelet might have to spend a lot of effort when facing the two second-level wizards alone.

And now, Angelet has been able to deal with those two second-level wizards head-on...

I don't know what happened to that guy named Edmund. His current strength should have reached the peak of a first-level wizard, right? Angelet thought with some doubts

His previous battle with Edmund was already considered a confrontation, although his strength far surpassed that of Edmund, and he could even easily crush him.

But Edmund was really good.

Angelet couldn't guarantee that he could kill Edmund with one move, after all, Edmund's strength lay there. If Angelet wanted to kill Edmund with one move, he would need to use at least four holy water beads to do so.

And four holy water beads are still a bit extravagant for Angelet. 4.6

But he didn't worry about that.

Now that his level of witchcraft has reached level five, the power of the witch tower has been completely controlled by him, so he doesn't worry about his power being swallowed by the witch tower, he just needs to store all the power of the witch tower in the witch stone in the witch tower in space.

Then divide the power in the Wushi space into several pieces and place them at four fixed points, so that the Guanshi space can become a world of Wushi. .

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