There are more than 300 fixed points in the witch stone space in the Wu Tower, and more than 300 witch stones are stored in each fixed point.

These witch stones are all high-grade witch stones, and their quality is extremely excellent.

Angelet has never used these wizard stones. He intends to give all these high-level wizard stones to the Argus family, and then inject half of his own wizard power into the Argus family.

Let the Argus family also have their own Wu Tower. At that time, even without the protection of his Wu Tower, the Argus family will become extremely powerful.

I have to continue to improve my witchcraft. Angelet thought for a while, and took out another piece of the Wu Tower from the Wu Tower.

The energy of the Wuta fragments has been absorbed, but there is still some left.

After throwing the fragments into his mouth, Angelet closed his eyes and began to slowly digest the witch power, while constantly improving his own witch power.

The day passed quickly.

The speed of improving witch power is still very slow, but Angelet is not discouraged. He knows that if a wizard wants to improve his witch power, he must continuously accumulate witch power, and the speed of accumulating witch power cannot be achieved in a day. Long-term savings will do.

However, he also knows that his wizard cultivation speed is too fast, which will definitely arouse the jealousy and hostility of other wizards. If he can't keep a low profile, then he will definitely be targeted.

But he is not afraid, anyway, now he has been promoted to a wizard, that is to say, he already has his own strength, and now he has to get himself up to survive in this black forest.

At this time, the teleportation array in Wuta once again shone with light.

A pudgy wizard in a gray robe appeared in the teleportation array. With a respectful expression on his face, he bowed to Angelet who was standing by and said, "Master Angelet, hello, welcome. You go back to Wuta.

Angelet took a look at the wizard, and nodded slightly: Well, thank you for your hard work, Saru, go get busy.

This pudgy wizard named Saru is the best among the wizards in Wutali, and he is a third-level wizard.

Upon hearing this, Saru hurriedly said respectfully: "Master Angelet, please follow me." After speaking, he turned around and led Angelet out.

Master Angelet, this way please, the place where you live now is the living room I specially prepared for you, over there is your residence, over there is your study, and the rooms over there have also been rearranged, you can go and have a look Look. Saru introduced Angelet respectfully.

Ok. Angelet nodded.

Following Saru to Angelet's residence, Angelet immediately felt a warm feeling in the room.

It's so comfortable. 000.... Angelet sighed involuntarily, feeling the warmth in the room, everything here was decorated with his liking.

Saru respectfully said from the side: "Master Angelet, do you have any other orders?"

No, you go to work first. Angelet waved his hand and said.

Then Master Angelet, if you have anything to do, just ask me. Saru nodded respectfully.

Angelet nodded, then turned and went into her room.

After he entered the room, there were bursts of strange sharp sounds in the originally quiet room, and then, a group of dark shadows suddenly appeared on the wall in the center of the room. .

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