Angelet moved and disappeared in place.

He quickly ran towards the direction of the earthquake just now.

Soon, Angelet came to the place where the loud noise was made just now. In front of this small valley, there was a flat lawn, and a group of dark monsters were lying on the lawn at the moment.

The number of these monsters is very large, and there are countless of them. They lie on the lawn, as if they have passed out, and beside them is the corpse of a monster.

Angelet approached these dark monsters, looked down, and saw that these monsters were all wounded, obviously seriously injured, and judging from the traces left on the corpses of these monsters, they should have been scratched by a strange thing Hurt.

Could it be that 05 did it with a monster? Angelet frowned, then lowered his head and thought.

After being silent for a while, Angelet suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a possibility.

These monsters became like this because they ate fourth-level witch cores, and they are already fourth-level monsters, so their food must be monster cores! A smile appeared on Angelet's face .

Thinking of this, Angelet immediately turned around and ran out of the forest. He had to go back to the family first, and report this matter to the owner and ancestors, and let them send someone to investigate the matter.

Just as Angelet walked out of the forest, a monster blocked his way.

Ho Ho Ho!

The monster roared up to the sky, the sound was deafening, like thunder, its eyes were bloodshot, and it looked very angry.

What do you want to do? Angelet looked at the monster blocking his way indifferently.

This monster looks very ferocious, with a mouth that is two meters in size, a thick tongue full of sharp fangs, it looks very disgusting.

You humble reptile, you dare to steal my crystal nucleus, you are courting death! The monster glared at Angelet.

Oh, is that so? It's a pity that I didn't steal your crystal nucleus, I just picked up your monster corpse. Angelet shrugged and said.

Hmph, whether you stole my monster's corpse or not, you have to die! This monster rushed towards Angelet, trying to tear Angelet into pieces.

With a kick, Angelet kicked the beast away.

The monster that was kicked by Angelet fell to the ground, struggled to stand up immediately, and rushed towards Angelet with a limp, as if it wanted to take revenge on Angelet.

Seeing this, Angelet didn't continue to attack the monster. After all, the monster was seriously injured and couldn't beat him at all. Angelet jumped straight into the air, and then punched hard on the back of this 190 magic beast.

There was a muffled bang, and Angelet knocked the monster unconscious with a punch.

After dealing with the monster, Angelet looked at the clothes worn by the monsters on the ground, and then took off the clothes. After careful observation, the materials of these clothes were very special, and the colors were bright, which looked very beautiful.

The fur of these monsters looks very soft and feels very comfortable to the touch, and their scales are also very hard... Tsk tsk, if you take it back and sell it for money, it will definitely be a huge sum of money. Angelet looked at the peeled fur in his hand, thinking secretly. .

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