Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 567 The Crystal Nucleus Of The Blue Light

At this time, a stone suddenly rolled to the ground.

Angelet turned his head and saw a monster's body lying quietly on the stone, and there was a crystal nucleus emitting a faint blue light hanging around its neck, which looked very dazzling.

It seems that my luck is really good! When Angelet saw the crystal nucleus on the neck of this monster, his eyes lit up, and he was secretly happy.

He squatted down, picked up the crystal nucleus of a monster, and checked it with his mental power. The power contained in this crystal nucleus of a monster is very pure. It is definitely a crystal nucleus of a monster, and its grade is very high. Reached the level of Samsung Warcraft.

Angelet put this magic beast crystal core into his storage ring, this time his loot is not ordinary rich!

Hehe, it seems that it is necessary to get a few more monster crystal nuclei in the future, otherwise how can we feed so many monsters. Angelet looked at the monster corpses piled up in his storage ring, and said cheerfully.

The corpses of these monsters were all Angelet's trophies, and the most precious of them were the meat and bones of the monsters, and the meat and bones of the remaining monsters were all good things.

But it didn't help Angelet's cultivation too much, and it wasted some time, so he simply collected them all and prepared to sell them to earn some money to raise these monsters

Angelet thought for a while, then put away the bones of these monsters and prepared to sell them.

He was going to sell the bones of the monsters to the auction house, then sell them, exchange them for gold coins and distribute them among the family members.

After Angelet cleaned up all the monsters on the ground, he turned around and walked towards the depths of the forest.

The reason why he chose to go deep into the forest was to find his father and grandfather, so that he could pass the news back as soon as possible, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

Angelet ran fast in the forest, and soon after, Angelet found that there were fewer and fewer trees around him, and even less and less grass.

It seems that this place is already very close to the edge of the forest, otherwise, the deeper you go, the fewer plants there will be.

Eh? Someone? Just as Angelet was about to reach the end of the forest, he suddenly heard a girl's exclamation from ahead.

Angelet hurriedly stopped, and then looked along the source of the sound.

Is it her? Angelet couldn't help being stunned when he saw the girl in front of him. This girl was actually the white bird that Angelet attacked last night.

I saw the white bird standing on top of a big tree, staring at a giant white python below in a daze.

The python had limbs on its head and looked like a lizard and a dragon.

Such a powerful beast was domesticated by her as a pet! Angelet was surprised when she saw this, it seems that the strength of this little white bird (Li Zhao) is really terrifying, she can tame such a huge beast With a monster as a pet, one can imagine how powerful she is!

When the white bird saw the giant python below, its eyes widened and it flew down the big tree.

This little beauty, why did you come here? Don’t you know that there are many dangers in the forest? You actually came here alone. If you encounter any ferocious monsters or monsters, wouldn’t you be a sheep?

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