Why don't I cut down all the woods first. Suddenly, an idea popped up in Ian's mind, and then he looked around and began to prepare to do it.

Angelet looked at a tree in the distance, and then touched it silently.


Just when Ian was approaching the tree, a light sound suddenly entered his ears, and then Ian was surprised to find that his body "647" had been lifted into the air.

Who is it? Who is sneaking up on me? Ian looked at the man who was holding him and asked.

Hehe, little girl, I didn't expect that I would meet you by such a coincidence. God has eyes! The man looked at Ian with a smile.

It's you! Hearing the man's words, Ian immediately recognized the man who followed Angelet yesterday.

That's right, it's me, my name is Hastal, you should have heard of it, I don't know if you have heard of my name. Hastal said with a smile.

I've heard of your name, I've heard that you are a very cruel and bloodthirsty guy, how did you appear here? Why are you following me? Ian looked at Hastal with a vigilant look and asked.

Hehe, I was following you, but not following you, you misunderstood me. Hastal said with a smile.

Hmph, I don't believe it, unless you put me down, you won't even think about leaving! Ian snorted coldly, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

I will never let you go, I am here to find you this time, don't worry, I will never hurt you, I just want to make a deal with you. Hastal said to Ian.

Make a deal? I don't understand what you mean! Ian asked suspiciously.

I know that you are studying alchemy in the Warcraft Mountains, I can take you into the Warcraft Mountains, and guarantee that you can enter the Warcraft Mountains of the elves smoothly.

As long as you agree to cooperate with me, I will let you smoothly enter the magic beast mountains of the elves to practice witchcraft, how about it? Hastal tempted Ian.

What? You want to take me into the Warcraft Mountains? Ian looked at Hastal in disbelief. He never thought that such a good thing would happen to him.

How, how are you thinking? You are a sorcerer, if you want to enter the Warcraft Mountains, you will definitely be able to learn a lot of sorcery......

At that time, you will be able to have the power to protect yourself and no longer need to rely on any external force. In this case, your future will definitely be bright, which is what you want most. Hastal smiled persuasively.

Okay, I can promise you, but you must put me down first, otherwise I will never cooperate with you. Ian looked at Hastal and said.

Well, since that's the case, I'll put you down first. Hearing this, Hastal immediately let go of Ian's collar.

After being put down by Hastal, Ian immediately ran to the distance and looked at Hastal with vigilance. Obviously, he was very afraid of Hastal's actions just now.

Hehe, Ian, don't worry about me, I will never do anything to you. Hastal looked at Ian and said, but his expression was one of success.

If you won't make a move on me, then please leave now, I don't believe your words. Ian looked at Hastal and said indifferently. .

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