Well, I won’t tease you anymore, I’m leaving now, you should go back to rest quickly, and see you tomorrow! Hastal smiled and said to Ian, and then he turned and left Ian’s sight.

After watching Hastal leave, Ian breathed a sigh of relief, and finally showed a relaxed expression on his face. Now he has finally got rid of this guy's entanglement, so that he can practice hard for a while.

Ian turned around and returned to the place where he was just now, and then sat down. He decided to start practicing now. The practice of the past few days has consumed a lot of his witch power, so he must replenish it as soon as possible.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, closing his eyes, Ian began to mobilize the witch power in his body, and then practiced himself.

A strong and comfortable feeling spread throughout the whole body, this feeling is like taking a bath, the whole body feels very relaxed, and one can't help but relax.

The witch power was running in the body, and Ian's body temperature gradually became higher and higher, and finally reached a high temperature of 120 degrees Celsius, and the air in the entire room began to burn.

Sweat also appeared on the forehead, and the clothes on the body were also wet.

Just as Ian was concentrating on his practice, the rain outside stopped, the sun rose again, the sky turned blue again, and the clouds above the sky also disappeared, revealing a clear blue sky and white clouds.

Ian's body exuded a pale golden light, and these golden lights traveled in the air, and finally gathered together to form a ball, which slowly and firmly flew towards Ian's dantian.

After the ball reached Ian's dantian, it expanded rapidly, then became bigger and bigger, and finally became the size of a small mountain. The ball stayed in Ian's dantian without any movement.

After more than ten seconds, the ball began to vibrate violently. As it vibrated, the expression on Ian's face became painful, his hands were clenched into fists, his veins were exposed, and his forehead was covered with bruises. In a cold sweat.

Ian gritted his teeth and endured the pain, but he still didn't give up, and continued to persevere.

There was a sound of puffing, at this moment, a crack appeared in Ian's dantian, a crack appeared in Ian's dantian, and then the whole crack spread rapidly, spreading all over the body in an instant.

A howl of pain escaped Ian's mouth.


Suddenly, there was a thunderclap from above the sky, and then it began to rain cats and dogs in the sky.

A purple lightning struck down, illuminating the entire sky, splitting the downpour in half, and then dozens of lightnings struck, turning the sky red, and even the trees in the distance were shattered. It was broken, and a deep hole was smashed on the ground.

These purple lightnings twisted and twisted in mid-air, as if they were spiritual, attacking Ian.

Purple lightning strikes his body, making Ian feel a hot burning sensation.

Ian endured the pain and continued to hold on.

One after another, the sound of thunderbolt kept ringing in the sky, as if mocking Ian's behavior.

Another thunderbolt fell, this time it was thicker than the one just now, and it directly split the ground into a ravine more than ten meters long and wide.

Ian clenched his teeth and persisted, but his body was almost unable to bear this powerful force, and he fell to the ground in a trembling.

The purple lightning continued to strike. This time, Ian's body had already started to burn. He felt as if his skin had been scorched by something. The pain was unbearable, but he continued to persist.

With such persistence, Ian felt that the flesh and flesh on his body were getting out of his body little by little, and the degree of pain even surpassed the first injury.

But Ian still gritted his teeth and persisted, a layer of black air appeared on his body, it was his skin that was being corroded "The flesh on his body was also being burned a little bit.

In the end, his whole body has become extremely black. If you look carefully, you will find that Ian has become a skeleton, but the bones still exist, but they have decayed.

Just then, the purple lightning stopped and the sky became clear again.

Ian's body also returned to its original shape, but he had an extra cloak with some dust on it.

He opened his eyes, looked around, and found that there was no one else in the room except him. It seemed that he had been in a coma for a long, long time.

Looking at the window, it was early morning, and the morning glow in the sky was still so dazzling.

Ian felt his body

This high temperature can not only generate some heat from the witch power in Ian's body, but also increase the oxygen in the room, allowing more oxygen supply in the room.

After an unknown period of time, he felt that the witch power in his body had almost recovered.

He stood up and moved his joints, then moved his limbs to make his muscles tighter, and then walked out the door. He was going to go out to breathe fresh air to relieve the burning feeling in his body.

Opening the door and going out, Ian took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing, making him feel very refreshed.

Lifting his feet and walking forward, he suddenly saw a broken piece of porcelain on the stone bench by the roadside, so he bent down to pick it up and observed it carefully.

It was found that there were cracks on this piece of porcelain. It seemed that this fragment should have existed for a long time, and it was broken for some unknown reason, and this fragment did not seem to be new.

This discovery caught Ian's attention, so he picked up the tiles in his hand and took a closer look, only to see some strange runes on the tiles.

This rune is not like the runes I am familiar with, but it has something the same as the runes I am familiar with, but it is also somewhat different. This kind of rune makes people feel very mysterious, but there is nothing wrong with it.

No matter how he thought about it, Ian couldn't figure out what was going on, so he threw the tile directly into the trash can, and then walked forward. He didn't care about this question, and let it be if he couldn't figure it out anyway.

Hi, beautiful lady, do you mind if I strike up a conversation with you? A teasing word reached Ian's ear.

Do you know me? After hearing this voice, Ian stopped and turned around to see a blond man coming out of another alley.

After seeing this man, Ian froze for a moment, and then he remembered who it was, he was a mixed race, and he was a nobleman, and he was Hastal, the heir of the Hastal Blake family. .

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