Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 577 What Happened Yesterday Was A Misunderstanding

Hehe, Ian, don't be surprised, I have already seen through your identity, what happened yesterday was a misunderstanding, in fact, I already knew that you are a student of the Witchcraft Academy,

I also know that you came to pursue Emily, but it was because of me that you broke into my tent by mistake. Hastal looked at Ian and explained.

You already knew that I was here to pursue Emily? After hearing what Hastal said, Ian's eyes widened. He didn't expect that Hastal knew that he was here to pursue Emily.

Well, yesterday I was going to come out and have a talk with you, but I didn't expect you to sneak into my tent, so I followed you, I didn't expect you to be a student of the Witchcraft Academy, and I also found you The grudge on his body has actually reached level 10. Although it is not high, it is not bad. Hastal nodded.

Then why didn't you tell me, and help me hide it? Ian frowned and looked at Hastal, his tone full of displeasure.

This is my private matter, you are not qualified to know, I just want you to quit, but you are still quite stubborn "It's been so long and you haven't given up." Hastal said lightly.

Lord Hastal, I know that I am not your opponent now, but I hope you can respect me, I don't like others to dictate to me. Ian said coldly.

Oh? Really? Then I want to see how good you are, how about we continue to fight, let me see what kind of ability you have, if you beat me, then I will treat it as if it didn't happen Pass. Hastal stood up and said provocatively to Ian.

Hmph, I won't admit defeat to you. Ian refused without hesitation.

Alright, since you want to die, then I will fulfill you. Hastal snorted coldly, then walked towards Ian.

Seeing this, Ian stood up hurriedly, then took out his wand, ready to fight.

At this moment, Hastal suddenly stopped in his tracks, then turned his head and said to Ian: Well, I know you are already a teacher at the Witchcraft Academy, but I never thought of letting you lose to me, since If you want to try my strength, then I will let you see. Hastal's words made Ian slightly taken aback.

So what kind of tricks are you going to use? Ian asked suspiciously.

Hey, I'm going to attack you with a spell, but my spell is not like an ordinary spell, if you can't resist, then I can throw you out of the cave. Hastal said with a sneer.

What do you mean by that? Ian asked, frowning.

Hehe, it's not interesting, I just want you to taste the feeling of being abandoned, you have also seen "The power of my spell is very terrifying." Hastal shrugged and said.

Hearing Hastal's words, Ian suddenly fell into silence (Zhao Nuo's).

He didn't expect that Hastal's goal was actually this. Although he didn't know what kind of spell Hastal used, he could tell from the meaning of Hastal's words

The power of the spell is definitely not an ordinary spell.

Ian didn't dare to gamble because he couldn't bear the consequences of betting.

Seeing Ian's constant entanglement, Hastal's mouth showed a wicked smile, he just wanted this ending. .

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