Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 609 Teacher Angelet, You Still Remember Me,

Seeing the young girl in front of him, Angelet nodded, and then said with a smile: Hello, I'm Angelet, we met once when we were in the Wizard Academy, I think you should remember it.

Of course I remember, Teacher Angelet, you still remember me, I didn’t expect to meet you again at the Alchemy Academy, but it’s okay, this time I came to the Alchemy Academy to find you! The girl immediately said excitedly, He looked excited.

Looking for me? After hearing the girl's words, Angelet was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Brian and Alisa, apparently asking them what was going on.

That's right, I think you also know that we are invited to visit the Alchemy Academy, and my student Kelia is also an apprentice in witchcraft. She happens to be very interested in witchcraft, so she asked me to show her around change. Hearing this, Bryan said with a smile.

Oh, that's it, that's how it is, you guys have fun, I won't bother you for now. Hearing this, Angelet suddenly realized, nodded, and then walked towards the tavern on the corner of the street with Alyssa.

Teacher Brian, I didn't expect you to be from here, I thought you wouldn't come here! Seeing this, Kelly asked suspiciously.

Hehe, I also just graduated from the Alchemy Academy, there is no way, my family is too powerful, so I had no choice but to come out and look for a job, I am now a guard in the Alchemy Academy. Hearing this, Brian explained with a wry smile.

No wonder, but you should be working in the palace now, why are you here? Aren't you afraid of getting into trouble? Hearing this, Kylia asked suspiciously.

Don't worry, it's fine. Hearing this, Brian waved his hand.

Hmm.....Okay, if that's the case, I won't bother the teachers chatting anymore, teacher, then I'll take my leave first. Hearing this, after Kailia finished speaking, she jumped off the carriage, then got on her mount, and left.

Let's go too, to the tavern. After the girl rode away on the horse, Angelet turned to Brian and Alisa and said.

Hearing this, both of them nodded, and then Angelet led the three of them towards the tavern in Alchemy City.

After arriving at the tavern, Brian ordered a table of dishes.

0…ask for flowers………

Teacher Angelet, the purpose of our visit to Alchemy City this time is to visit the Alchemy Academy. I heard that this Alchemy Academy is the largest witchcraft academy in the empire, and it is said that the students of this Alchemy Academy are all alchemy wizards. Brian asked Angelet.

Hehe, yes, this Alchemy Academy is indeed the number one witchcraft academy in the Alchemy Academy, and it is also one of the best in the empire, and there are many outstanding geniuses among them

Angelet replied with a nod.

Teacher Angelet, is this school really so powerful? Hearing this, Kelly couldn't help but ask, a pair of bright and big eyes shone brightly, looking very beautiful.

Of course, our Alchemy Academy is the most powerful witchcraft academy in the entire empire, although the students in the witchcraft academy can only practice witchcraft.

But they are all very smart students, they have very high intelligence, and they can also comprehend more profound witchcraft, so they are so outstanding. Angelet looked at Kelly and explained Seven. .

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