Oh, so that's the case, it seems that the academy must be very lively! I'm also looking forward to seeing it. Hearing this, Kylia said excitedly, as if she was full of curiosity about the academy.

Hehe, you can go to our academy for a stroll, it is much more prosperous than the Warcraft Mountains, and there are many delicious things there, so don't miss it when the time comes, or you will be disappointed. Angelet said with a smile. "one five seven"

Really? I'll definitely give it a try then. Kelly spoke immediately, her eyes filled with curiosity.

Hehe, then it's settled, we can go and have a look together at that time, by the way, what attribute witchcraft are you? Angelet looked at Kylia and asked.

I'm of the lightning attribute, but I'm already a sixth-level wizard. I don't know what kind of wizard you are, Mr. Angelet? I think you should be the same as me, and you are also of the lightning department. Hearing this, Kelly looked at Angelet with some doubts and asked.

Haha, I'm of the flame attribute, but it's not bad, and I've already reached the seven-star level. Hearing this, Angelet replied with a smile.

After hearing Angelet's words, Brian and Alisa couldn't help looking at Angelet.

Teacher Angelet, you are really good. You have already reached seven stars. You are really amazing! After hearing Angelet's words, Kelly couldn't help saying.

This is just a trifle. Are you two fourth-order wizards now? Angelet asked.

Yes, we are almost at the fifth level, but we are still far away from the sixth level. I hope we can break through soon! Brian nodded and replied.

Well, I believe that with your talent and hard work, sooner or later you will become a sixth-level wizard. Angelet nodded and said with a smile.

That's for sure! I've always insisted on that! Kelia opened her mouth to answer.

By the way, Kelly, I would like to ask, your parents are wizards, right? What is your mother's name? Hearing this, Angelet suddenly thought of something and asked.

Uh, my mother's surname is Merlin, but our family is just an ordinary family without any special background. Hearing this, Kelly replied with some doubts: 0.

Obviously, he didn't know the specific situation of the Merlin family, but simply thought that the Merlin family was just a very simple family.

After hearing Kelly's words, Angelet stopped talking. He knew that the Merlin family was not an ordinary family, but a family with a core of witch power.

Only such a family can raise an excellent child like Kelly, because their aptitude is the best.

It is impossible for ordinary families to teach Kylia so well. After all, there are not many people who can cultivate to the eighth level of witchcraft apprenticeship.

And such people are almost all genius-level existences, because their aptitude is really excellent at 1.5, and Kylia's father is a wizard, and his mother must also be a wizard, so their family's wizard level That's why it's so high.

Soon, the food was served, and at this time, there was a knock on the door of the box.

Come in. After seeing the waiter standing outside the door, Angelet said calmly. Hello, guest, please take it easy. After the waiter opened the door, he saluted respectfully. .

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