Angelet, you are so powerful, can you really teach Kylia witchcraft? If so, then you will definitely set off a bloodbath in the witchcraft world in the future, haha. Walking on the road, Kylia couldn't help sighing again.

Hehe, Kelly, let's not talk about that now, let's talk about your problem first. Hearing this, Angelet shook his head and said with a smile.

Ok. Hearing this, Kelia didn't continue to discuss Angelet's matter, but shifted the topic to her learning witchcraft.

Every year, the students of our School of Witchcraft need to participate in the competition between colleges of different countries, and this time the competition is the Witchcraft Competition. Our School of Witchcraft is divided into four levels

Each level is divided into five 103 levels, and each level of witchcraft students is different students. The witchcraft masters in our college are divided into three levels: elementary, advanced, and perfect. Each level is divided into four grades.

Each level is further divided into four levels: low, middle and high. I am an intermediate witchcraft apprentice, that is, a witchcraft bachelor. According to the level of witchcraft masters, my strength is relatively forgetful, and it belongs to the lowest-end existence. Kelly Ya opened the mouth to introduce.

Hearing what Kylia said, Angelet couldn't help but nodded slightly. He didn't expect that wizards are divided into such complicated professions (afdj) levels, and each stage is divided so meticulously. It seems that wizards are indeed very huge. occupation, and the gap between each level is quite obvious.

Kylia, I can teach you the basic level of witchcraft now. When you reach the intermediate level, you will have no chance to learn the basic level of witchcraft. After all, the more detailed the level of witchcraft is

It means that the difficulty of learning elementary witchcraft is higher, but elementary witchcraft is just a piece of cake for me, after your witchcraft practice reaches the level of a great wizard.

You just know it automatically. Hearing Kelly's introduction, Angelet said with a smile.

Ah! The realm of a great wizard! Angelet, I am already a junior witchcraft apprentice, but if I want to reach the realm of a great wizard, I'm afraid it will not be so easy. After hearing Angelet's words, Kylia looked at Angelet with some doubts and asked.

Hehe, don't worry, it's just a piece of cake for me, I will try my best to help you improve your strength quickly, and then you will be able to participate in the witchcraft competition by yourself. Hearing this, Angelet said with a smile.

Oh~~I see. After hearing Angelet's words, Kylia nodded, seeming to understand what Angelet said.

By the way, Kylia, when I was on the street just now, I heard you say that you are going home, where is your home, do you want me to take you? Suddenly, Kylia remembered something and looked up. He began to look at Angelet and asked.

I'm going first to the headquarters of the Academy of Witchcraft and then to the home of the Academy. Hearing this, Angelet thought for a while before speaking.

So that's the case, well, if this is the case, I won't force you to send me off, then you can go directly to the headquarters of the Witchcraft Academy, anyway, I have nothing to do now

There is no need to go home, I will go home first when the time comes. Hearing this, Kelly said immediately.

Well then, Kylia, are you going home now? Hearing this, Angelet glanced at Kylia and asked worriedly. .

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