It's okay, I'll go back now, don't worry. After hearing Angelet's words, Kelly smiled and comforted her.

That's fine, then go to your hometown first, I should go home too. After hearing Kelly's words, Angelet nodded and said.

Well, let's part then. Hearing Angelet's words, Kylia smiled, then waved her hand and said goodbye to Angelet.

I'll take my leave first, I'll go home now, remember to come to me after you arrive at the Witchcraft Academy, we will have dinner together, and tell me about your family's situation by the way. Seeing Kelly waving, Angelet smiled and said.

Remember to come to me after you arrive at the Witchcraft Academy, we will have dinner together, and tell me about your family's situation by the way. Hearing Angelet's words, Kelly smiled and said.

After hearing Kelly's words, Angelet nodded, then waved his hand, turned and walked towards the law school.

Kelly, Angelet, then, I'll go first, let's get together later if we have time. Seeing that Angelet and Kelly had left here respectively, Bruce, who was standing aside, waved to Kelly and said.

okay. Hearing this, Kylia nodded and agreed.

So, goodbye, Kelly. After finishing speaking, Bruce also ~ turned and left.

Seeing Bruce's disappearing back, Kylia looked away.

Come on, go back, Bruce. Seeing the figure that had completely disappeared at the corner of the street in the distance, Kylia looked away, said Glie.

Well, ok, let's go then. Hearing this, Angelet nodded, and then the two walked towards the direction of the Witchcraft Academy.

Soon, the two left here and walked towards the location of the Witchcraft Academy.

With Angelet's departure, the whole square regained its calm, leaving only a few onlookers.

Angelet and Kylia disappeared into the square together, making the onlookers look envious and jealous, but there was nothing they could do. They had no way to stop the relationship between the two of them.

He could only look at the backs of the two with envy, and walked away into the distance while discussing.

Kelly, are you ready to go home now? After arriving at the gate of the Witchcraft Academy, Angelet looked at Kelly and asked, it will take at least half a day to reach the Witchcraft Academy from the town where Kelly lives now That's why Angelet asked this sentence.

0...seeking flowers...

Well, that's right, I'm going back now, I can go home tonight, thank you Angelet. Hearing this, Kelly nodded.


Hehe, you're welcome, Kelly, then I'll go in first, and you should go back to rest earlier. Hearing this, Angelet smiled and said.

Then Angelet, I'm leaving, you have to be careful. As she spoke, Kylia waved her hand at Angelet, then turned around and walked into the interior of the Witchcraft Academy, before disappearing in front of Angelet.

Angelet, you should go to the Witchcraft Academy as well, I'm going to the Witchcraft Tower now, I also need to prepare some things now. After seeing Kelia leave, Bruce also turned and walked into the Witchcraft Academy.

That line, I'll go back first, goodbye Kylia. Waving to Kylia, Angelet also turned and walked towards the gate of the Witchcraft Academy. He was going to report to the headquarters of the academy. .

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