Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 632 Many Strange-Shaped Jellyfish

Hehe, I am also very honored to be here with Your Excellency. That being the case, let's start the auction quickly! Angelet said with a smile, and then held Ace's hand.

Ace didn't mind either, and nodded with a smile, then motioned for Angelet to sit down.

Angelet sat on a chair under Ace's guidance, while Ace stood aside.

With Angelet and Ace seated, the auction is about to begin.

There is a row of tables on Angelet's left side, and on his right side, stands a man in white clothes. This man in white clothes is about forty years old, but he is wearing a black robe.

Looks a lot like a mage. When the black-robed wizard saw Angelet, he immediately cast a cold look at Angelet.

Seeing this scene, Angelet was slightly taken aback. Although he didn't notice the strangeness of the other party, but from the change in the other party's expression, it can be seen that this black-robed mage didn't have any kindness towards him.

This person... who the hell is he? Could it be the person behind this hotel? Angelet frowned and muttered in a low voice, with a serious expression on his face.

Obviously, he was being targeted by people now, but Angelet was not afraid of these people, but felt a little baffled.

Mr. Angelet, I now declare that the auction has officially begun. Ace stood on the stage, glanced at Angelet, and said loudly.

Soon, the entire hotel lobby was engulfed in noisy sounds, and everyone was discussing the auction.

Angelet sat on the chair, watching these people's eagerness to discuss, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he knew that there must be something good to auction in this auction

The item I want to auction is...an arrow!

As soon as Ace's words fell, a man in a gray robe walked to the stage in the center of the auction house with a wooden box, opened the wooden box, and there was a jet-black arrow lying in the wooden box.

A strong breath of death exudes from this arrow, and this arrow seems to contain endless power.

This is the arrow of death, a very special arrow, its power is very powerful, it can kill all life. Its arrows can shoot and kill monsters of the sanctuary level "even the body of a god-level powerhouse!

Ace looked at the black arrow with an excited expression on his face, and said loudly.

I got it! I want this arrow! Angelet stood up immediately after hearing Ace's words.

What? You want to trade this arrow for some witch cores, yes. However, the price of this arrow is very expensive, and this arrow can also increase its power through its own power.

So many people will use it to exchange witch cores to increase the power of this arrow. Ace looked at Angelet in surprise.

I'm not talking about the witch core, I said what I want is the power of this arrow, I can use this arrow to exchange for any item first! Anger looked at Ace and said seriously.

Oh? Mr. Angelet, (Good Zhao, good) The arrow you mentioned, you are sure that you can enhance the power of this arrow through your own strength, and you can also use witchcraft to strengthen the power of the arrow. Ace asked suspiciously.

Yes! Angelet answered in the affirmative.

Mr. Angelet, this is a very dangerous thing. Are you really determined to exchange this arrow? If you use this arrow to exchange items, then your future whereabouts may be exposed. Ace looked at Angelet and said seriously. .

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