It's okay, I believe the power of this arrow must be more precious than the witch core. Angelet said calmly.

Well, since Mr. Angelet insists so much, I have no objection, but the price of this arrow is very expensive, so I need to see the number of your magic crystals before making a decision. Ace said with a smile.

No problem, then can I give you my magic crystal? Angelet said with a smile.

Of course, I can help you exchange magic crystals, but whether this arrow is effective or not depends on the number of magic crystals and the level of the user. Ace smiled and said

100 Angelet nodded: Alright, then leave it to you, I hope this arrow can satisfy me.

OK. Ace nodded, took out a magic crystal and handed it to the attendant next to him.

Soon, the attendant left the room with the magic crystal.

Mr. Angelet, do you have any witchcraft value now? Ace asked Angelet.

I should have two hundred and fifty-seven witchcraft points on me now, enough to exchange for this magic bow. After thinking about it, Angelet said to Ace.

Ace nodded, and then said (afcf) to the auctioneer on the side.

With a crisp sound, a huge pool suddenly appeared on the auction site.

There are many strange-shaped jellyfish in this pool. These jellyfish are all the size of a human palm, and their whole body is covered by a thick layer of scales, which looks like a huge armor.

Mr. Angelet, please enter this pool, there is a magic circle in the depth of the pool, you will receive a special training. After training, you can become a qualified hunter. Moreover, I will also help you increase the power of this arrow. Ace said standing in front of the pool.

OK. After hearing Ace's explanation, Angelet nodded and jumped directly into the pool. Soon, a strong cold feeling came from Angelet's feet. This icy cold feeling.

Even Angelet, who is a demon, couldn't help but tremble a little. It has to be said that the temperature here is too cold. But Angelet quickly adapted to the environment here

This is the secret base of our hunters, the training here is the cruelest, but I hope you can maintain this mentality. Ace stood outside the pool, looking at Angelet in the pool, with a gentle smile on his face.

Angelet smiled and replied: Don't worry, Mr. Ace, I am a hunter, and I graduated from the Witchcraft Academy.

Hehe, that's great, then Mr. Angelet, I won't bother you, please wait a moment. Ace nodded with a smile, then turned and left the room, leaving room for Angelet and the wizarding arrow.

Then, a waiter brought a plate of food and placed it in front of Angelet. This is a plate of roast meat that looks like something like roast duck. It looks very attractive.

Angelet picked up a knife and fork and gently cut a small piece into his mouth. Suddenly, a hot feeling spread from the tip of Angelet's tongue to his entire mouth, and Angelet couldn't help but take a few bites.

Huh? This barbecue is really good! Angelet nodded in admiration.

Hehe, then Mr. Angelet, you can enjoy these delicious things slowly, if you need anything, you can call me. Ace looked at Angelet and said with a smile, then turned and left the room. .

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