Wizard: Sign In To The Extraordinary Potion At The Beginning

Chapter 634 This Is The Wine You Want To Drink

Seeing the back of Ace leaving, Angelet couldn't help shaking his head. Although this Ace looks very young, he is actually an old fox. His wisdom is definitely much stronger than other hunters.

Hey! Boy, let's have a glass of wine! Angelet picked up a jug of wine, opened the bottle, poured a jug of spirits, and shouted behind him.

Soon, a handsome young man walked up to Angelet and said with a smile: Is this the wine you want to drink?

Yes, have a jug of the bar, you look handsome. Angelet said with a smile.

Thank you, I don't know what to call Mr. The man nodded with a smile, and took the hip flask that Angelet handed over.

Just call me Gray, let's have a drink! Angelet raised the flagon and said to the young man in front of him.

After hearing what Angelet said, Green was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled: Gray, are you Mr. Angelet?

That's right. Angelet smiled and nodded, then clinked the glass with Green and drank it down.

Hehe, I really became a hunter at a young age. Green said with a smile to An ~ Ge Lie.

Yes, I have just become a hunter, and I am still a rookie. Angelet- said with a smile.

After hearing Angelet's words, Green smiled and said: "Rookie? You are not even afraid of monsters. I don't believe you are a rookie."

Haha, my friend, haven't you heard of it? My friend is myself! I am that monster! Angelet pointed to the sky and said.

Haha... Linton laughed out loud when he heard Angelet's words.

The two just sat by the pool, chatting and drinking, and the time gradually passed.

Before I knew it, half a month had passed.

During this half month, Ace has been preparing various potions for Angelet, and at the same time, he has been teaching Angelet some skills to make Angelet grow rapidly during this half month.

And Angelet himself has a very powerful spiritual power, and he is also very familiar with the use of spiritual power. Under Ace's teaching, he quickly reached a bottleneck.

Angelet also studied hard, so she was promoted smoothly.

With the efforts of Angelet, Ace once again obtained the right to use a witchcraft item.

0…ask for flowers……

For half a month, Angelet and Ace were studying at the Witchcraft Academy together. Moreover, while Angelet was studying, she also "slowly realized the truth" through her spiritual power.

The structure of the pattern.

This is also a very useful course. And Ace has been teaching Angelet some skills about spiritual power.


And after Angelet was promoted to the third rank, he also discovered a special situation.

That is, he discovered that the witch power in his body had actually undergone a change, became more active, and seemed to be more aggressive. This is exactly what surprised Angelet, because his witchcraft has actually changed to a certain extent.

Although this change didn't have much effect, it made Angli feel a little happy.

During this period of time, Angelet has been working hard to perceive this change in his body, trying to figure out what it is.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't feel how big this change was. .

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