Just half a month later, in the evening, Angelet and Ace came to a town near the Graal Valley. This city is a medium-sized city with a very large flow of people, and the streets are full of people coming and going. And Ace also brought Angelet here.

This is Graal Valley. Ace pointed to the distant mountain peak and said to Angelet.

Oh? This is actually a valley! No wonder there are so many people here! Angelet couldn't help but said looking at the scenery in front of "Four Six Three".

This place is indeed a valley. Our place is the core area of ​​the Graal Mountains. This mountain range is an important part of the Gran Empire, so the flow of people will be relatively large. Ace explained to Angelet.

The scenery here is really beautiful! Angelet couldn't help but said looking at the surrounding scenery.

Yes, the scenery here is all obtained by relying on the Graal Mountains. Ace nodded.

Oh? It’s so amazing, and the scenery of the Gran Empire is so beautiful. It seems that the people here are really not simple. Angelet couldn't help asking curiously after hearing Ace's words.

No, the people here are not as good as you, and the people here are not as smart as you. They're not superheroes like you. Ace shook his head and said.

Haha, the scenery here is really beautiful, let's stay here tonight, the hotel here must be good! Angelet said to Ace with a smile.

of course can. However, today you have a heavy task. You have to take Green back and let Gray heal his injuries. Your task is not done yet. Ace said with a smile.

Leave such things to me! I will definitely bring Green back. Angelet nodded, and then said: Then let's find a hotel room for the night!

Well, okay, then come with me. Ace nodded, and walked down a lonely path.

Soon, Ace brought Angelet outside a building.

Here we go, let's go in. Ace smiled at Angelet.

okay. Angelet nodded, and followed Ace into the alley.

The two walked along the alley, quickly walked out of the alley, and came to the street.

The scene on the street is still a lively scene, there are shops everywhere, all kinds of shops, and in these shops, Angelet also saw some strange goods, there are all kinds of strange plants and monsters, and there are many strange Weird decorations, this is a magical world.....

Wow, the shops here are so beautiful. Angelet looked at the surrounding shops and couldn't help but said with emotion.

Yeah, let's go in and have a look! Ace said to Angelet.

it is good.

Angelet followed Ace into this bustling street market. There were many people coming and going in the street market, including nobles in gorgeous costumes and some vendors.

The moment Angelet entered the market, strong soul breaths came from all directions, and 4.2 shook Angelet's spirit.

What a strong soul force! Angelet couldn't help frowning as he looked at the surrounding environment.

In his opinion, almost all the soul-like creatures in this street market, he even saw a corpse of a giant dragon in a small stall. With a foul smell. .

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