134 Battle

She was not astonished at her failed attack as it was only a temptation but she was astonished at the fact that it had been easily resolved, normally only enchanted blades, other lightsabers or energy attacks could collide head on with the lightsaber and not be damaged but Gwain’s sword seemed to be the exception. Dhe had previously perceived the armour and sword in the hands of Gwain and she was sure they were made of the simplest materials and ordinarily should not be able to stand the blow of her lightsaber which was made up of pure volatile psionic akin to plasma.

She had expected him to dodge the attack or coat his blade with energy to quickly stop and redirect her blow or even attack the hilt of her lightsaber but what she did not expect was that he had used a simple basic move to block the attack and there were no fluctuations of signs of extraordinary power being used on the blade, even If as a dark psionic her perception had been reduced but she was still confident in being able to notice any slight fluctuations of power being used in point blank range.

The reason Cora couldn’t perceive anything wasn’t because Gwain was doing any tricks but it was a natural occurrence that emerged because of the peculiarity of the path he had taken his profession to, he started with mainly polishing his body and basic swordsmanship, once had practised to the limit he was faced with a choice focus on his swordsmanship by comprehending the prototype of an intent and breakthrough to elite or sublimate his body by using the free elements in the air to ignite his vitality/ Life-force.

But he chose neither of the seemingly broad options and instead focused on the knight’s virtues, he believed knights should not only be a profession but a behaviour and way of life and so using a similar practice found in the eastern countries he made what could be described as a vow/restriction, a sort of self-hypnosis tethered on the premise of following and adhering to several knightly virtues like the first knights strove to do.
By the time his practice was consummated and he broke through legends the vows of the ancient knightly virtues no longer fully restricted him and the powers the vows brought were incorporated into him like instinct, for example, the courage virtue which brought him the ability to wield his blade against anything corporal or incorporeal was present in all his attacks which was why he had easily taken over Cora’s lightsaber with his plain old sword.

Although Cora still wasn’t sure how he did it but it didn’t bother her, she knew very well judging from the way he didn’t try to prevent her from opening a distance that her lightsaber was still effective just not as effective as it normally was, nevertheless, she found it interesting, the task of protecting the ritual inside from being disturbed was instantly thrown out of her mind as she focused on the opponent in front of her, it was time to get serious,


A huge momentum surged from her as she murmured, it was a unique skill she comprehended as she observed the psionic star, most basic psionic skills were rumoured to have been created this way, her surge used her psionic to stimulate her body’s cellular instincts volatilely increasing her vitality, strength and speed. As her momentum rose so did her psionic as the clouds above grew heavy from her pressure as she influenced the surroundings her unique psionic presence giving birth to red lightning that emerged from the void around her.

Although Cora wanted to go all out she did not release her domain, due to the existence of black mud in the world since the star fall only in special areas could a legend like her release her domain, only those who were confident enough in the structure and stability of their domain would open their field because of the existence of black mud, the field was constantly being corroded and destroyed by the substance.


Feeling the frantic momentum and gazing at the female in front of him Gwain couldn’t help but be serious and was reminded of her occupation ‘Dark psionic.’

The dark psionic was an extreme occupation derived from the psionic knight, the psionic knight was a fairly new occupation derived from the star that was rumoured to have created the star fall event, it begins with a normal apprentice but instead of focusing on the body like a normal knight instead they focused on meditation and connecting to the star once their psionic was awakened they became psionic knights the dark psionic followed the same way but instead of forming a neutral and peaceful state of mind by meditation they instead excelled in the dark emotions and totally turn their back on neutral and positive emotions in exchange for stronger lethality, explosive power and a faster mode of promotion.

Gwain did not have more time to recall the information about the profession as the momentum rushed towards his face, he knew he couldn’t be distracted anymore as he could perceive an attack coming his way, a red flash had come to his side with a swift slash heading towards his waist, he parried the attack and sent an armoured fist towards the attacker, his fist hit nothing but air as Cora appeared above slashing down and bringing with the attack a thunderstorm mixed with psionic lightning,

Gwain took a deep breath and his muscles moved like a well oiled machine as he called forth all his strength and then using both his hands gave a hasty slash towards the attack pouring down from the sky.

The attack hit Gwain’s blade head on and sent him digging into the soil sending him almost to his knees, he did not resist the force but instead made use of it to roll forward escaping the searing psionic energy and lightning that was pouring down.

Cora noticed his move and twisted in midair her leg swiftly swept forward like a whip summoning lightning from her movement and hit the rolling knight away, while simultaneously shaping her lightsaber like a spear and shooting it towards her opponent.

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