135 Collision

Gwain took a deep breath and his muscles moved in unison like a well-oiled machine, mobilizing the subtle parts of his body he called forth all his strength and then using both his hands gave a hasty slash towards the attack pouring down from the sky.

The attack hit Gwain’s blade head on and sent him digging into the soil sending him almost to his knees, he did not resist the force but instead made use of it to roll forward escaping the searing psionic energy and lightning that was pouring down.

Cora noticed his move and twisted in midair, her leg whipping through the air as it swiftly swept forward the movement summoning red lightning from her environment as it followed the swift track which her leg travelled and collided with the knight who was trying to escape, immediately the attack hit home she propelled her lightsaber forward shaping it like a spear and sending the manic weapon flying towards her opponent.
Although claiming to be versed in most virtues Gwain was more talented and versed in the virtues of courage and sacrifice, the virtue of courage allowed him the ability to swing his sword at anything without fear of his blade not being able to cause it harm or his blade unable to withstand the collision while the virtue of sacrifice granted him a rapid healing rate and the ability to ignore most wounds and the state of his body while increasing his physical prowess and strength much like a berserker.

With his injuries the sacrifice effect was naturally spurred, his presence and momentum grew as the hole in his chest was rapidly healing while his opponent recalled her weapon, the sound of his heartbeat grew louder as his muscles grew denser, he took a slow step, crushing the soil beneath and rushed forward like a rampant beast and swung his sword at his opponent, the sword swing tore through the air creating and sending sharp shards of wind fluttering around.

Cora was not afraid of the momentum instead her manic expression increased as her fighting intent grew stronger, she met the incoming attack of the knight head on, their collision sent the ground rumbling, cracks spread from the point of impact as the soil trembled akin to a small earthquake sending tremors and misplaced soil flying around. With his free hand Gwain launched a rapid attack towards his opponent, an armoured covered fist was sent towards Cora, Gwain was not only versed in swordsmanship but also freehand melee.

The fist was sent out at the perfect time its momentum and trajectory excellently exerted as the virtue of courage was also applied increasing the power of the strike, the nearby wind howled as if in pain as the fist tore through the air.

Cora seemed to have expected the attack but she was unable to fully dodge the swift strike, a ruthless look flashed in her eyes as she lightly moved her head to the side allowing the fist to graze across her face taking a huge amount of skin and blood from her face as she twisted the dark clouds above forming a tornado filled with dark lightning to descend covering both of them, the change in surrounding peeled most of the remaining armour from the knight’s body and left him with a lot of wounds.

Their respective injuries started healing as the two legends disregarded everything and kept on slashing at each other, punches, claws, kicks lightning all flew around some shots were missed while other’s drew bursts of blood and flesh originating from the two warring parties, their injuries did nothing to stop their momentum as their wounds kept rapidly healing as their tore at each other, the nearby terrain suffering from their numerous collisions and contact.


The soldiers who were some distance away watched this scene, the could feel the tremors and whines of the earth as the two legends clashing brought untold stress and destruction to the surroundings, it wasn’t that they hadn’t thought of trying to bypass the two duelling parties and head towards the building to complete their objectives but they were very sure that once they moved a certain distance towards the two legends what awaited them was nothing but crushing agony followed by a swift death. So naturally, they had to perform plan b, the soldiers were not ordinary but consisted of a special profession created by the federation their brains were implanted with a chip that created a local area network between all their members allowing their computational power and senses to be shared and increased, coupled with their special firearms, it made a small squad such as theirs a force to be feared that is as long as they weren’t unlucky enough to clash with some strong or well prepared legendary powerhouses.

They kept staring at the surrounding around making no attempt to evacuate or try to help the knight who had come to their rescue, all their minds were on the objective. Although it seemed they were just standing there blankly staring at the target building but they were frantically straining their minds and chips computing power calculating the coordinates and spatial trajectory of the surrounding, plotting out the best ballistic trajectory while sending out this information to the required data centre and servers that needed it, the reason it was taking this long was because the captain was injured and unable to provide any help, but despite the setback and the peculiarity of the environment the calculation required was soon completed.

Almost a second later some miles away a machine became active, it was a large silo shaped device with a long tube sticking out of it, magic circles that dotted the ground started shining and spinning around slowly as a circular object was shot out of the tube piercing through the air at a peculiar angle and trajectory plus with the effect of the magic circle it quickly shuttled through several folds of space and locked onto its target ignoring the turbulence of space shuttle and the commotion caused by the two legendary powerhouses battling it out on the ground below.

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