'boom' a huge fist that seemed to emerge from nowhere hit the ground where Raiden was originally located, if not for the special bodysuit he wore that increased his reaction speed and agility he would have been hit by that strong punch that tore a hole in the floor of the street.

The suit was a prototype made by the institute using some of the knowledge zero had sneaked into some of the researchers head, when zero knew Raiden was to be part of the group she had gone back to get the suit from the Institute and remodelled it.

It was covered with fragments of electrically charged metal that were very susceptible to changes in the magnetic field, this made it easier for Raiden to call lightning just by moving any part of his body.

Also, the suit through the lightning created by Raiden would stimulate his nerves and cells making him move faster and have a quicker reaction, while also increasing the suit's magnetic field giving Raiden better defences and increasing control over his body.

Raiden stared through the smoke caused by the earlier attack at the foe who had suddenly attacked him.

It was a muscular man with red hair and a ferocious oppressive aura radiated from the man, giving one the feeling of a top predator, looking at the opponents red eye's Raiden was sure the man was a blood kin.

Being oppressed by the opponent's aura Raiden's mind was lost for a while, taking advantage of the opportunity the blood kin leapt forward, making flames at his feet to propel him to move faster he arrived almost instantaneously in front of the stunned Raiden.

Although Raiden was stunned instinctively out of fear his muscles twitched, which created a little current that activated the suit once more and returned his awareness.

Seeing the humongous fist already at his face Raiden increased his magnetic field before he was shot out like a rocket by the punch.

The punch hadn't actually hit him, he had increased his magnetic field and made use of the opponent's unconscious field to push himself away, Raiden himself wasn't sure how he did it, it was an unconscious move that Layton had forcefully ingrained in him over their training.

Although the punch didn't actually hit, the force of the punch had actually shifted his ribs as he was shot out.

Immediately Raiden landed he was not given time to get his bearings and wince at his injuries because the blood kin had already propelled himself to his side once more wielding a fist that had turned red hot like magma.

With a donkey roll to the side, Raiden avoided the fate of being skewered, and then with his pointed fingertips, he channelled the little lightning he had at present to a thunderbolt that hit the unprepared foe head-on.

Raiden hoped those myths that stated lightning was especially effective for evil creature's had enough validity and truth to them as he was already overwhelmed and needed some seconds to catch his breath and fix the displaced rib back in its correct position.

Breathing heavily and standing up quickly from the ground disregarding the sharp pain in his chest, Raiden looked carefully at the injured blood kin while he set back his ribs, the blood kin had been hit by the lightning in his side and the lightning was still evident on his skin, the blue light paralyzing him making him hard to move.

Taking advantage of the opportunity Raiden started the first stance of his lightning bending movement aiming at accumulating enough energy and finishing the blood kin once and for all, taking a horse stance he moved his arms in the air generating lightning as he moved before he was able to complete his movement the blood kin who sensed the danger, ignited himself turning his whole body red hot and forcefully breaking free from the lightning paralysis.

Although Raiden did not complete his movement he had already accumulated enough energy to enter what Layton had called lightning time.

It was a special overloading state that would leave him paralysed for a time and without combat power once the lightning stopped flowing through his veins and nerves.

Although this state was very dangerous it was the only way for him to have Grandmaster level combat power in such a short time.

The whole world in Raiden's eyes was moving very slowly, even though the blood kin was already in front of him and the immense heat radiating from the enemy's body was already drying the moisture in the air around him Raiden was still not panicked with the speed of his thinking he even had extra time to rethink part of his battle plan before the fist would pass through the area is head was located.

He tilted his head sideways avoiding the first punch, used his magnetic field to move sideways, his body was not strong enough to move at the speed of his consciousness so he could only use his magnetic field to move himself in order to keep up with his consciousness.

Arriving instantaneously at the blood kin's side Raiden kicked out targeting his opponent's knee while moving most of the lightning to his feet strengthening his penetrating power and its lethality.

The blood kin with his breast like instinct stopped his fruitless punching action and jumped up dodging the attack.

seeing his opponent in the air Raiden did not think twice and sent his fingers forward.

'crackle' a thick bolt of lightning containing all his energy emerged from his fingertips directly penetrating the blood kin's heart.

Both the blood kin and Raiden landed on the ground at the same time, Raiden was already paralysed and was hurting from the little haywire currents that were electrocuting his already fragile nerves.

A few metres from him the blood kin was motionless, no breathing or heartbeat could be heard from him, but Raiden knew his opponent was not dead yet, just incapacitated and unconscious because of the special nature of the lightning.

Looking at the signs of flame in the distance Raiden could only hope someone could defeat their opponent earlier and come provide him with help.

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