May and Layton were teleported together before May could even inquire about what had happened as she was not informed of the teleportation ahead of time Layton had already vanished, only a deep footprint inlaid on the ground and the sound of crushed air told tales of his existence.

May was not annoyed at Layton's rude behaviour after all she was his doctor and she knew very well time was counting down fast for him, turning left May headed towards the area that made her feel a hint of threat.

Stepping out of the dark alleyway path she traversed May set her eyes on the pulsating ball of meat and the blood kin who was present apparently there to guard whatever was in it.

The sense of threat originated from the pulsating meatball, through May's senses she could feel a sort of life gestating in it, gaining nutrients from a weird undisclosed place to complete itself.

She could feel the blood kin in front of her guarding the ball was also connected to the ball, but she wasn't worried at all, the concept of defeat never crossed her mind, it was only a matter of how much effort she would exert and how much time would be wasted.

Looking at the familiar face of the blood kin, the talented water bender named Zhao who was part of the members of the parliament that just stood there silently like a statue and without any spirit in his pupils, May couldn't even muster a desire to fight, she just flicked her finger forward making a blue gas like liquid to hit the blood kin, freezing him in place.

She ignored and disregarded the newly formed iceberg in place and walked towards the pulsating ball of meat. As she passed the iceberg, the frozen blood kin suddenly moved swiftly breaking the imprisonment of the ice and punching towards May.

May noticed the attack, at her level ordinary sneak attacks could not hide her perception, the very moisture in the air served as an extension of her perception.

She shifted a little to the side avoiding the punch and whipped her legs towards the enemy's abdomen 'thwack' her slender feet moved like a real whip as if she was boneless and her feet swiftly connected with the body of her enemy sending the enemy flying through the air smashing the nearby wall.

Although May reacted quickly she was surprised at the fact that Zhao had quickly broken through her imprisonment of ice so quickly and fluidly, it should be noted that although she had not exerted a lot of effort, the ice was cold enough to make anybody frozen in it become very fragile broken at the slightest touch, but the blood kin had managed to ignore the cold's effect and was virtually unaffected.

Zhao who had been smashed to the wall had already stood up, his skin squirming like a balloon and soon he expanded becoming a mini giant, May watching this scene was impressed and couldn't help but sigh in admiration "what a genius, it's a pity such a talent has become this." May herself had performed water bending on herself to regulate and modify her body, the difference was that hers was a permanent slow change that she had spent years perfecting and implementing while the one performed by Zhao was violent and temporary.

One of the reasons Layton had always been impressed with May was because of her level of modification and control over her body, her blood was compressed and more compact than normal, each of her blood vessels was broad and flexible capable of containing more blood than normal and able to effectively transport blood at alarming speeds that would kill normal humans resulting in all their blood vessels being broken and burst, her bone marrow was replaced by her own specially created liquid that made it easier for her to perform impossible action without putting too much pressure on her bones, her skin was also modified a thin stream of water was always there beneath her skin regulating her body system dispersing heat and giving her a better defence.

It was nothing short of a miracle for her to achieve this especially in a world where the practitioners paid no attention to the human body, one could only imagine the countless tortures and experiments she had inflicted on herself and others in order to achieve such feats.

Zhao couldn't understand her intricate thoughts as he just roared and leapt towards her, his huge body giving off a huge sense of oppression.

May had no change in expression as the huge fist came down towards her, she just used her small fist to meet him head-on.

'boom' two disproportional fists collided making a huge sound setting of huge winds, may's punch was not simple, her muscles which were like water was sending waves of extra strength was being sent into the opponent.

'crack' the sound of bones breaking was heard, it was Zhao, the bones of his fist was broken to pieces, May did not continue advancing her fist but used her second hand to send a punch towards Zhao defenceless head.

Her fist connected squarely with the head but May frowned, the feeling the feedback of her fist gave her was wrong.

It was as if her fist had hit rubber and it was dispersing her strength, it was as if this blood kin was adapting in battle and was making adjustments in his body to achieve optimal results, before she could think further Zhao had compressed his body turning to a dwarf removing his body from May's fist, his limbs twisted like a rope and tied down May's arms.

In response May just smiled and with nothing but a thought, she released part of the liquid under the skin and froze the blood kin's arms.

With a gentle nudge, the arms broke like pieces of glass, before Zhao could react another punch had hit him squarely.

This punch was different as the fist traversed the air it had taken control of the moisture in the air while releasing a cold mist the fist had transported all that mist into Zhao freezing him from the inside out.

'crack' the frozen Zhao was broken into little shards of ice just like his arm.

The meatball on the ground a few feet away suddenly separated a drop of blood and the ice fragments suddenly evaporated, through some connection May did not understand Zhao was reborn from the drop of blood standing in front of the ball guarding it silently.

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